March 31, 2008
Visiting And Working
Oh my, I must say, the weekend went by very quickly and is nothing ,but a blur. We were up early Saturday morning. Wayne and Dan were doing some electrical repair at Wayne's sister's house. Katherine, Mason and I went to spend the day with Wayne's Mom. We arrived and she hadn't even had her toast yet,she was sipping on a cup of coffee, sitting in the living room. She has had some severe back pain for sometime now.....just watching her trying to make it to the kitchen and then stand to make her toast was just about all I could stand. She moans in pain with each step. Her Dr. has told her there is nothing more he can do for her, so, pain killers are her only defense. I just wanted her to get her toast ate so she could take a pill and get some relief. I hate that she spends most of her waking hours hurting, as does Wayne's Dad. He was up and headed over to see what the guys were doing and get his cane poked in for his two cents. We sat and talked, while Katherine napped and Mason played. Katherine had worked late the night before and rose much too early. We were there till late in the afternoon. Sunday was another working day for was it HOT! The air was so thick and sticky. We went to do our weekly clean at the shop, missing last week , that place was a mess! We made a quick stop by Wally's to get some lunch fixens and find us a blow up mattress for our camping trip this next weekend. After getting home and having some lunch we got out and hooked up the RV to move it to the front, cause we have decided to sell it. The way gas prices are and just having a new plan for our future has ignited a new game plan. I intend to get it cleaned up and ready for display. We called it a day after moving it and stayed in the rest of the day. Wayne immediately fell asleep on the couch and I watched movies in the bedroom. He finally woke up about 7:30 or so and watched the end of a movie with me, then we were off to bed. That's it for our weekend, so I will say, till next time. Exciting stuff....HUH!!!
March 27, 2008
Boiling Blood

Hey There! I have gotten intrigued with my TV shows....all reality ones. There's AMERICAN IDOL, DANCING WITH THE STARS and SURVIVOR. I didn't think I was gonna like the people chose to dance this time, but ya know what??? I am really enjoying them. Though I think Pricilla Presely had one too many face jobs and looks quite weird when she smiles, I give her kudos for getting out there for the world to see. She is really quite a good dancer. Now, Idol has been really interesting, but they are starting to advertise "Idol Gives Back" which makes my blood start boiling. Look back through my posts and you will find, my rant and rave over this topic. They raised 75 MILLION dollars last time, but it seems, go figure, that these problems are still there. They always make it sound like that just a little change can feed a child, but for some reason 75 million doesn't get the job here they go again. Idol gives back.....HELLL FIRE!!!! Idol gives what they can get the American people and American corporations to donate to them. Oh, I am sure that for publicity purposes they will dig deep to offer up some minute figure, of that wealth that the show has brought in. Ya know, when you have thrown money at a problem for decades and the problem still exists, ya got to think......THIS AIN"T WORKIN!!!!! I am all for helping people and getting them back on their feet, but then they have to stand on their own and take responsibility for them selves. I love this long as the training wheels are on, you will never learn to ride the bicycle. Haven't we been the training wheels long enough? I know, I come off hard hearted, as I did last time, but I say what I know, most Americans feel. We really aren't doing these people any's just like the grown kid that doesn't want to leave the nest.....WHY WOULD HE???? He is being taken care of and doesn't have to do a thing. NO one in America should be starving.....that's why we have food stamps, Lone Star Cards and soup kitchens. What more do we need to do.....go shopping, bring the food home and cook it, then deliver to them ourselves. Come on people....get a grip! The African situation is more complex, but there again, we have tried to help for DECADES and though things may be somewhat better for some, the problem will never be solved unless the money is used to cultivate their lands and bring in some form of irrigation so they can start growing their own crops and start working towards a better future for their children. There again, they have to be willing to take the training wheels off and ride that bike by themselves, once they have been steadied and heading in the right direction. I do hope that some money has been put towards a new levee in New Orleans and that all this rebuilding is for not. New houses and businesses are just a temporary fix if something wasn't done about the LEVEES. Ya can't live in a desert and ya can't think your safe living in a place that is below sea level....HELLLOOOO!!!!Heck, we might as well relocate ALL of these people, it might just be cost effective in the long run. As for Survivor, they have really got some bird brains on this time. They vote off the strong helpful ones and keep the weak do nothings...what are they thinking??? I have just about had it with the ones that get lucky enough to be chosen to be on survivor and then decide they can't hack it and want to go home. I know I couldn't and wouldn't want to be away from my family that long and under those conditions.... especially under those conditions....what did they think it was gonna be like....a luxury vacation? Then there is poor Jonathan, crying cause he had to leave....sad, just sad. Well, that's my take on my beloved shows. Till next time.
March 24, 2008
Easter Frolics

We had one absolutely terrific Easter. We decided to celebrate on Saturday since the weather was so nice. We had heard of colder and maybe wet weather coming in for Easter Sunday. The guys had been cleaning up the yard....mowing and gathering leaves and sticks on Friday so we got us a little campfire going, gathered some chairs around and sat and talked and laughed. The ole Easter bunny had previously hid some eggs for the little un's to find. They had the BEST time ever.....ya know the hunting of those silly eggs is the funnest part, to HECK with the candy and diddies.
We had a ROARING campfire going.....heck, even the neighbors came moseying up to join in on the antics. We decided to not let the fire go without roasting some wienies and Katherine made a mad dash to the store for HOT DOGS, BUNS, and MARSHMALLOWS.....boy! did we grub out when she got back. It was like a three ring circus with everyone talking at once.....I need the wienies, where's the buns, who's got the mustard.....DANG! this fire is hot....WATCH THOSE KIDS!!!! It was a real blast. All that night air and smoke and laughter got Dan to hankerin for a CAMPING TRIP!!!so with just a little discussion and coming up with a date we have made our plans to go camping up in Arkansas in a week or two.I LUUUUVVVV TO GO!!! doesn't matter who's going where, I wanna GO! We have decided to Tent it....yep, no RV as a matter of fact, where we're going there's nothing.....I mean NOTHING! No water, electricity....just you and nature. I know it will be a blast.....I CAN'T WAIT! What a glorious weekend....guess that's it. Till next time
March 21, 2008
I am on a never ending quest trying to shed some of these pounds hanging on to my mid section. Do you know that I can't even bring my knees all the way to my chest because long before I reach my chest, my thighs are obstructed by a large roll of flubber........geez, I can remember being able to fold up like an accordion. My biggest peeve, is that I can't sit on my ankles anymore....ya know, down on the floor, legs folded underneath you and buttocks resting on your heels......MY dang left knee won't bend enough so that I can sit flat on that side......These are the things that I really hate about getting older and the thing is, they creep up on you slowly and unnoticed until that moment you want to sit on your freakin heels and cannot. I think, when the crap did that happen???? My ability to do such a simple thing..... the roll around the middle, I have noticed for some time now, always knowing I ain't gonna be pulling my legs up to my chest. It's kinda like being about 5 to 7 month pregnant, ya know that little belly sticking out just enough to inhibit some of your wantings to sit a certain way? Well, my newest weight loss plan has come from the Natural store. They are pills that resemble molded grass and smell like a blend of all kinds of herbs. This is called the 15 day weight loss CLEANSE & FLUSH. Now, if that doesn't sound intriguing and make you want to say....HEY!!! I WANNA DO THAT!! I don't know what would. I love the thought of being CLEANSED and my body FLUSHED.....I am a neat freak, ya know. My inner house has always had a problem with digested garbage getting stuck on my floors and walls....HEEE, HEEE, HEEE....get my meaning? Ya know, the old poop story. I have always been jealous of Wayne....dang him! He can be going to the bathroom before he can get his last bite of food swallowed. He'll go at night and then again in the morning.....there I would be, wishing I could go at least twice or better yet three times a week. AWWWW, the free feeling of being CLEANSED and FLUSHED. I think I am still in the cleansing stage, this is just my 3rd day. We shall see if their promise of a flatter belly really happens. I don't usually buy in to that product hype stuff, but I do have wishful thinking. HEY GOTTA GO!!!! I have a CLEANSING A CALLING!!! Till next time.
March 15, 2008
Spring Day
I love this day with all it brings; To my sight and touch, to my heart, it sings. The sunny day, warmth of the sun; To smell a flower, it's life, just begun. Clouds, soft and white, go floating by, to bring about a clear blue sky. The wind it whispers through the trees, to catch and blow about the leaves. The grass so green, cool to the feet; I sit and feel the moments fleet. A bird it sings up in a tree, the song it sings so blissfully; The stillness comes from deep within, the quiet calm, I know will end; I soak it up, bask in it all; The glories of the day, I saw.
March 14, 2008
My Ego At Play
Yesterday didn't turn out quite as warm and pretty as I had stayed cloudy and very windy all day, despite this Trace and I took Kan and Mason to the park. They had the best time. They ran, climbed, jumped, and jabbered to each other as only they can. Most times we don't have a clue as to what they are saying, but they seem to understand each other with ease.
Trace and I have been in deep conversation about the Eckart Tolle book. I am almost to chapter 4 and as I am sure you know, Trace has finished it and even gone back thru a couple of times. I understand and get some of his thoughts and ideas, but then there are some that I don't agree with. I have trouble with ME, not really being me, but who I AM. I know there is a deep inner self that we, ourselves only know. That thinking and the voice that is our thoughts, I believe IS us, not some egoistic thing that comes out of us to leach on to forms. God made our brains and made each of us individuals with our own personalities and ideas. I get that each of us has an inner connection. In the deep core of us all, we are the same, but to say that all forms around us are nothing, but gatherings of our egos seems to take all importance away...even from life itself. I guess if we could all just go frolic thru the meadows picking unlabeled things and gazing at....what I call a tree, we could easily go to that mystic and idealistic place that Tolle seems to have permanent residence in. I would be the first to say....stop and smell the roses along lifes path and live each day to the fullest and don't be tied down to materialistic things. I have voiced my opinion on THINGS, long before Tolle's reading. He diminishes LOVE to nothing, but a power to rule over someone else. That's not what LOVE is to me. Anyway, I don't want to come off like him....that I have some greater understanding of life and its meaning......that I have figured out the answers to questions that have been asked since time began. I just know, that I have to be true to ME or I or myself.....HECK!!!! all three of us. I know that God knows my true feelings so I might as well stick with what feels true and right in my heart cause that's the bottom line.....HE knows and that's all that matters. I am still reading the book and hope to gain more insight into the psyche of people. I have no fear of being swayed in my beliefs and am always open to the ideas and thoughts of others. Some of his words hold a lot of truth and can be very insightful. I do wonder how a person can take on the magnitude of such a profound topic and feel confidant enough with their interpretation that they would share it with the world and not at least "LABEL" his thoughts, as I think.....but then, that would be HIS ego....right? Till next time
Trace and I have been in deep conversation about the Eckart Tolle book. I am almost to chapter 4 and as I am sure you know, Trace has finished it and even gone back thru a couple of times. I understand and get some of his thoughts and ideas, but then there are some that I don't agree with. I have trouble with ME, not really being me, but who I AM. I know there is a deep inner self that we, ourselves only know. That thinking and the voice that is our thoughts, I believe IS us, not some egoistic thing that comes out of us to leach on to forms. God made our brains and made each of us individuals with our own personalities and ideas. I get that each of us has an inner connection. In the deep core of us all, we are the same, but to say that all forms around us are nothing, but gatherings of our egos seems to take all importance away...even from life itself. I guess if we could all just go frolic thru the meadows picking unlabeled things and gazing at....what I call a tree, we could easily go to that mystic and idealistic place that Tolle seems to have permanent residence in. I would be the first to say....stop and smell the roses along lifes path and live each day to the fullest and don't be tied down to materialistic things. I have voiced my opinion on THINGS, long before Tolle's reading. He diminishes LOVE to nothing, but a power to rule over someone else. That's not what LOVE is to me. Anyway, I don't want to come off like him....that I have some greater understanding of life and its meaning......that I have figured out the answers to questions that have been asked since time began. I just know, that I have to be true to ME or I or myself.....HECK!!!! all three of us. I know that God knows my true feelings so I might as well stick with what feels true and right in my heart cause that's the bottom line.....HE knows and that's all that matters. I am still reading the book and hope to gain more insight into the psyche of people. I have no fear of being swayed in my beliefs and am always open to the ideas and thoughts of others. Some of his words hold a lot of truth and can be very insightful. I do wonder how a person can take on the magnitude of such a profound topic and feel confidant enough with their interpretation that they would share it with the world and not at least "LABEL" his thoughts, as I think.....but then, that would be HIS ego....right? Till next time
March 13, 2008
A Day To Savor
I am up this morning and finally back on my regular schedule....since the time change I was having a hard time going to bed at normal time and not getting up till almost 8:30. This just didn't feel right to me. In awakening this morning it was still dark looking which fools my mind into thinking it's still early, when I look at the clock I see that it is after 7:00.....time to get up!
Yesterday, did turn out to be an absolute beautiful day. I had some errands to, Wally's, stuff like that. Trace and Kan road with me. We got back home right at lunch time, filled our belly's and decided to make a run to Grapevine to fuel up Traci's car. It was such a nice ride. I hate to say we didn't really do much out in the sunshine....didn't even go for our walk, but it was an enjoyable day none the less. Today, I am going over to pick up Mason so he can spend the day with me. The weather looks to be gorgeous again, I am hoping we can have some fun outdoors. He loves coming over and always is excited to play with Kan. Kan, kinda relishes in his new found power and likes to come and then go making Mason very upset.I always tell Mason that he will be right back, but that doesn't seem to soothe him any. He just hasn't gotten it yet. Being the only child with no other kids to play with makes being around Traci's three sooo exciting to him. He usually gets into a giggling state and anything Kan does just cracks him up.
I am going to get up and get going......I don't want to waste one moment of this day. I intent to savor every moment.Good health and light loads....till next time.
Yesterday, did turn out to be an absolute beautiful day. I had some errands to, Wally's, stuff like that. Trace and Kan road with me. We got back home right at lunch time, filled our belly's and decided to make a run to Grapevine to fuel up Traci's car. It was such a nice ride. I hate to say we didn't really do much out in the sunshine....didn't even go for our walk, but it was an enjoyable day none the less. Today, I am going over to pick up Mason so he can spend the day with me. The weather looks to be gorgeous again, I am hoping we can have some fun outdoors. He loves coming over and always is excited to play with Kan. Kan, kinda relishes in his new found power and likes to come and then go making Mason very upset.I always tell Mason that he will be right back, but that doesn't seem to soothe him any. He just hasn't gotten it yet. Being the only child with no other kids to play with makes being around Traci's three sooo exciting to him. He usually gets into a giggling state and anything Kan does just cracks him up.
I am going to get up and get going......I don't want to waste one moment of this day. I intent to savor every moment.Good health and light loads....till next time.
March 12, 2008
Has Spring Sprung?
Looks like it's going to be a gorgeous Texas day. The temp is suppose to be close to 80 today....YAHOOOOO!!! I am so ready for Spring. Wayne and I went and played at Winstar over the weekend. I always have so much fun there. No thoughts of anything just doin my thing and watching the other people doin theirs......I love it. Saturday night Mason came and spent the night with Pa Pa and me. He must have had a busy day cause he fell asleep by 7:30 and slept all the way till almost 9:00 the next morning. We all went and did some last minute moving out of stuff at Traci and RB old house. There was just a small amount of staging stuff. Dan took the old trampoline to restore for Mason and with one quick trip back to load the swing set we finished up. That's about it folks. I am still kinda in a fog when it comes to my writing. Lots of thoughts up there but seems the river has been damned up. Anyway, just thought I would jot down a hello and a few tid bits. I am gonna go and start planning some great adventure for this beautiful day. Till next time.
March 5, 2008
The Flow Is Blocked
I still can't seem to get back to wanting to write.
My mind is blank,
what can I say;
I'll have to blog,
another day;
I'll be back,
I know I will;
This writers block,
is there until;
So, till the words,
can flow, once more;
Out of my brain,
with ease, can pour;
Till next time,
I'll say ado;
Till the words, you seek,
are there for you.
I still can't seem to get back to wanting to write.
My mind is blank,
what can I say;
I'll have to blog,
another day;
I'll be back,
I know I will;
This writers block,
is there until;
So, till the words,
can flow, once more;
Out of my brain,
with ease, can pour;
Till next time,
I'll say ado;
Till the words, you seek,
are there for you.
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