I contemplate, and think and think,
about things, I use to not know of;
The tree of knowledge, I did partake,
Now, this wisdom, I will never be rid of;
My thoughts are clear, I'm not afraid
for there's a Lord that is true to me;
He is not vengeful, holds no wrath,
It's through love, that I can see;
Man's laws and stipulations,
are what most, believe are true;
They set their goals, for MANS eyes,
To reign over all they do;
It's so ironic, I'm quite perplexed,
That the masses, have come to believe;
In the dreams of some ordinary men,
When the thought, could have been to deceive;
If one should dream and tell today,
That the Lord had spoken to him;
He'd be called a false prophet, or just plain nuts,
We would think that his lights are just dim;
It is such magical thinking,
The dreams, that they had then;
Somehow, interpreted and written down,
For eternity to rule over men.