November 4, 2008

Election Day

Today's the day
the votes are cast

Which one's gonna
fix the past

Turn out in droves
the lines are long

Must get the one
to right the wrongs

Each of us thinking
ours is best

He's the one
who'll pass our test

We think, ANY ONE'S better
than what we've had

Poor ole George W
for him, I am sad

Do you think, HE single handed
created our troubles alone

All the finger pointing
and the throwing of the stone

He's the one
with all the grief

His reign to end
is HIS relief

I anticipate a
big let down

The smiling faces
will turn to frown

The job is HUGE
and is gonna be rough

The Guy we elect
finds his tasks VERY tough

We shall see
if the one we admire

IS the one to run
our country, if not
our future's dire