I am so glad today is Friday.......the good ole weekend, here again. Wayne and I both seem to be pooped out. I slept till 8:00 this morning, which is highly unusual. I must admit I did a whole lotta nothin yesterday, but I just can't seem to get rested. I have been wanting Wayne to take another week of vacation.......I know he could really use the time off and I would enjoy him being home.
We went over to Traci's last night for grandson #3's birthday....that's our Kannon, three years old....doesn't seem like we have had him for 3 years already.
We stayed till a little after 8:00 and it was almost bedtime by the time we got home.......of course, Wayne napped in his chair as soon as he sat down. He was already heading for the bedroom by 9:30. He climbed right in and was OUT before I could even get in there. I had made a call to my cousin and talked with her for about 15 minutes before making my way in there. I had actually planned to watch a little more TV, just till I got drowsy, so I had turned it on before making my call....Just to find it off when I got in there. He has this thing about the TV going in the bedroom, Now, he can fall asleep in front of the TV in living room with no problem, but let me want to watch TV in the bedroom and he starts asking me to turn it down and acts like he can't get to sleep with it on.....go figure.
Not much else to talk about, maybe the weekend will bring some new exciting events that I can share with you. So I'll say, Till next time.
September 14, 2007
September 13, 2007

A man with menopause,
Oh, give me a break;
Not one, of the many symptoms,
could he take;
Think of all the things,
A woman goes thru;
starting with those PERIODS,
and giving Life anew;
I have often said,
if man should have a child;
There would be, just that one,
and it would grow up WILD;
A man to HAVE and rear a child,
To this, I have my doubt;
They have no clue to what it takes,
or what it's all about;
The Cramps, the pain of giving birth,
Pains, they could not endure;
There would be no procreation,
their sex drive it would cure;
That's the thing with most men,
couldn't make it to menopause;
Here lies poor Joe, he died ya know,
His FIRST period, was the cause.
September 10, 2007
Rainy Day

I sit and drink my coffee,
I listen to the thunder;
The things I planned to do today,
may have to go asunder;
In pouring rain, is not the time,
you want to go outdoors;
All the mess that it will cause,
those wet and muddy floors;
Now, let me see, what can I do,
with time, to spend inside;
I'll wash the clothes and tidy up,
don't want to, I'll confide;
Clothes, they are a washing,
The bed, I've got it made;
Still want to do the things outside,
In bed, I wish I'd stayed;
I may just have to take the chance,
of getting myself soaked;
A little rain, never hurt no one,
No one has ever croaked;
I'll get up and I'll get dressed,
The rain, I hope, will stop soon;
If I get drenched, Oh, so what,
I'll be the creature from the black lagoon;
So, till next time, as I always say,
New things, will be on my mind;
I'll express them to you,
as best I can, with words, I like to find.
September 7, 2007
Hot Flashes And Stuff

Here we are, at Friday again. Our much needed rain must have went else where.....the sun seems to be out and bright this morning. I have stayed pretty much house bound the last couple of days. All the moving over last weekend I think finally caught up with me and I just seem to want to lax out on the couch. I did how ever get both my bathrooms cleaned yesterday and all laundry caught up the day before that. Trace and I have a Wally's trip planned for today.
I am still feeling a little drug out this morning. My nights of late are filled with countless awakenings and hot flashes that seem to be quite intense right now. I don't know if my hormones are out of whack or just what the problem is, but I get so sick of having sweat running down between and underneath my boobies....I know that sounds disgusting.....and IT IS! I will awake from a a very deep sleep, just to find that my body feels as if I just ran a 20 mile marathon.....sweat wise, that is. When does this stop???? It has been YEARS now......can't it just STOP!
I really looked forward to the time of no periods, the freedom, I thought I would have, but this all encompassing take over of my body at will is really worse than a monthly visit from the yoo hoo man. At least with it, it came pretty regularly and was gone in just a few days. My one big question is WHY do they have to come thru the night????, can't we get a reprieve for just 7 to 8 little hours. I have them thru the day also, but there is just something about night time that makes things seem so much more intense.
I went right to sleep, but just about an hour later, my eyes popped open, for no apparent reason. I fell back asleep and again, another hour had passed and there I lay with eyes open. I finally got up and took a pm pain reliever and the next thing I knew Wayne was getting up to go to work. That's the kind of sleep I like.....eyes shut and the next thing you know, IT'S MORNING!
I must tell you that I am quite the head case about pills.....I don't like them and usually refuse to take any, be it for HOT FLASHES or whatever these mounting years bring my way. I truly believe, less is more. The less pills I take the better I think I feel. There are just too many side effects to most medication. While trying to get rid of one symptom the pill brings on several worse side effects....why would anyone choose to do that? I am just making it thru, on my own accord. I'm not saying it's easy, but I don't think it would be any easier if I popped a pill. I did take a sleep aid and I take a pain reliever when needed, but all those other remedies for menopause symptoms, I feel are just hog wash......that may be why they would do no good for me. I believe the mind plays the biggest part in our health issues. If you believe something is going to help you, then it is more likely to. My lack of trust and believability in the ever mounting drugs Dr's want to give us, is probably why none will ever help me. You will find that I AM a head case about a lot of things. Till next time.
September 5, 2007
Grubby Old Woman

I looked in the mirror,
what did I see;
A grubby old woman,
starring back at me;
Hair all a mess,
bags under the eyes;
A haggard old woman,
I tell you no lies;
Who is this old crone,
looking ran over by a train;
I stare in her eyes,
do I know her name;
She is quite familiar,
tho, distorted and weird;
Someone, who's close to me,
OH NO!!!, I feared;
Maybe, some water,
to put on her face;
Will lessen the swelling,
and brighten her case;
Is Halloween near,
for it must be;
I'm scared to death,
for I know it's ME;
September 4, 2007
Moving Day

Moving Day, moving Day,
Oh what fun;
The packing, the boxes,
The aching back, to come;
Oh, the great excitement,
with everything so new;
All the work, that must be done,
Can't stop until we're thru;
Change can be so wonderful,
A breath of life renewed;
I love all new beginnings,
This poem could be construed;
It's not I, I write about,
Tho, I wish it were;
Almost my time, to change my scene,
On this we can concur;
I am eager, till it's my turn,
The boxes lay in wait;
Beloved possessions, in them go,
My moving day is fate;
There's no good byes, to what once was,
Can be no looking back;
They go amongst the things we store,
Our treasures, that we pack;
Until it's time to move ahead,
I watch my daughters joys;
Delight in all her new beginnings,
New home, with husband and boys.
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