This is probably going to be short and sweet, but here goes. I must say, seems life has gone into extra fast mode these days. I am busy with the ever challenge to make it thru this menopause status that's likes to consume me every now and then. I have had some GREAT nights, where I slept the whole night thru with no awakenings to a sweaty body, but then just when I think I may be making to the end of this saga in my life, it starts up again. The last two nights have just been horrific. I know I must have woke up at least 5 times to that inner heat that makes me shed the covers. I pull my top up to my chin allowing as much of the cool air to hit my body and make the furnace within me turn off. What the heck IS THAT????? Of all the weird things for a body to do.....why would it heat up like that? I never was much of a sweater. I could run and be out in the heat and never have a bead of sweat run down my face, but now, with no physical activity I can have it pouring off of me. Weird.....really weird. I have panic attacks of wearing something that is too warm for those heated moments. I never know when they shall hit so I have to prepare and make ready for them. Winter is really gonna pose a problem for me cause I love to wear sweaters and sweat shirts, but the thought of having a big WARM thing on me like that makes me sweat just thinking about it.
Now, that I am closer to Traci we have been walking again....I sure do love it. I started a Yoga routine with her the other day.....boy, am I sore over it. We are gonna do it every other day......so today is the day. I hope it will work some of the soreness out of me.
We have down sized once again to a small 2 bedroom house. This has been quite a task, trying to make room for all the things that we acquired while we were in the 3 bedroom very roomy house. Our bedroom furniture is HUGE and does not fit into the small bedroom here. We have just our bed and the two night stands at the end of it to sit our TV on and that is it.....room totally filled. It truly is a BED room. The other two pieces of the set is in the other bedroom along with our office stuff....computer desks and book shelves. Yep, we are wall to wall. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate and seems the more room you have the more you need. I like this down sizing and the cleansing of our junk, makes the things you keep seem new and special. I love this little space. It has so much charm and is filled with windows allowing so much of the outside in.
The setting is country....which I love. We wake to roosters crowing. I have seen deer on several occasions. We have seen the signs of wild hogs and have heard coyotes howling into the night.....even heard a owl hooting one morning. The sounds and sights of the wildlife are wonderful...we really do love it!
That's it for today....Trace will be flagging me over to start our Yoga. We are taking the kids to downtown Denton to find some the historical places and learn of the things that took place there......FUN! Till next time.
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