I am up this morning blogging and it isn't even 7:30.......on a Saturday morning! I really wasn't ready to get up, but Baxter was having a nature call, so when I got up to let him out, I just stayed up. I have still been shopping, tho I thought I was almost thru on my second trip out. I never seem to be able to say....OK, THAT'S IT! I still have a couple of things to get and I am gonna HAVE to say DONE!
Trace and I watched several Christmas movies this week. Our all time favorite, It's A Wonderful Life. That one touches the heart like no other and makes a profound statement. I never tire of watching the old classics. Gone With The Wind is one of my all time favorite movies....I read the book too and enjoyed it, but the extra children seemed to take away some of the romance for me. I like Bonnie Blue being the only child. She was the one true thing in their mixed up relationship......the bond, they both loved so much. I am a sucker for a good Love Story.

I don't know what this day brings. Wayne and I are suppose to go to the movies. The new one with Will Smith in it came out yesterday......the one where he is the last man on earth. We are on our own today. Trace and family have left this morning traveling to her in laws. It is their tradition to go out in search of a tree the week before Christmas. I hope the weather is accommodating for them and they find the perfect tree. I don't know what Dan and his family are doing today......I'm sure playing catch up. With both of them working, they have a lot on their plate on the weekends to take care of.
I have one more thought before I go. Ya know, I said I was gonna try my hardest to have the Christmas spirit while out and about, saying hello, Merry Christmas and such.....well, yesterday posed quite the test. There were people out everywhere. I had cars pull out in front of me, ones that would not get out of the way and countless other brain dead acts that really got on my nerves and provoked horn blowing and yelling of words like, STUPID JACKASS!!!! I tried so hard and kept telling myself....keep the Christmas spirit, Sonia.....couldn't do it, lost it. Hopefully I have renewed myself and can start again the next trip out.
Be safe and take care. Till next time.
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