Those of you that read Traci's blog know that I didn't get my massage yesterday.......DANG IT!!! I had myself all siked up for it and everything. I will say, that the closer I got to the place yesterday the more this feeling of....AIN"T GONNA HAPPEN.... kept crossing my mind. When I pulled into the parking lot and there was not another car in sight....first clue, then, my appoinment was at 10:00 and IT WAS 10:00.....second clue. Sometime after 10:00 I called Trace to let her know....HEY!!! there's no people here....what the ?!@$#@. She calls the lady and low and behold the date is for the next day, which is today....this morning....2 hours from now....GEEZZZZ SIS, could this be from all the extra hard thinking you were doing to make that girl spin the other direction???? Maybe, you better just stick with the right side of your brain....your left side seems to get you in trouble....or is it, that your trouble comes from being a right brain thinker? I don't know...... LUUUCCCYYYY!!!!, but Ethel always seems to get pulled into your antics.
Well folks, as I said, I only have a couple of hours. I am determined to do some Yoga this morning so I better get to crackin. AAAHHHHH!!!! the tranquillty of a soothing massage, has become one stressed out mess for me....SERENITY NOW!!!!! Till next time.
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:-) what can I say?
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