We are back, since Monday afternoon. Wayne had two more days of vacation so he is home with me till tomorrow. I can't seem to get much done when he is home.......at least, writing wise. It was great seeing Andy and Linda. We had a good time visiting with them and making our rounds to the numerous casinos there. I must say, none were as fun as our good ole Winstar. I did have a run of luck on the Wheel of Fortune. I won over one hundred dollars at one casino and then playing the same game at another one, won over two hundred more. I was ecstatic........YAHOO!!!! finally, I can say......I WON! We came back with almost all the money we went with......BONUS!
The trip going there was absolutely wonderful. I did see the most beautiful sights.......trees all aglow with spectacular colors. We went thru Helena, Mississippi.......which is just about the most gorgeous town, I think I have ever seen. There were BIG old houses that must have been very old and the streets were lined HUGE, towering trees..... Pecans, Oaks, Cottonwoods all in vivid colors. I know those trees were hundreds of years old. The trees grow twice as big there as what we have here in Texas.......maybe the extra moisture that they get there. I don't know, but they are GRAND!
I must tell you tho, that a menopausal woman cannot and should not try to stay in the same room with another couple. I just about burned up.....I couldn't sleep half naked, like usual and there was no ceiling fan. I thought I was gonna melt away like the wicked old witch in The Wizard Of Oz. I don't know what Linda's status is as far as menopause, but she wore long sleeved winter looking PJ's.......with me, still wearing a summery sleeveless tank top and still just dieing thru the night. I wish I could just get back to normal.....my normal, anyway.
Traci and Randy are attending a seminar in Dallas, which started yesterday. They are there from 8:00 AM till 7:00 PM. It is a three day thing, today being day 2. Wayne and I are here with the kids. It is great being so close that the kids can be at their house if they want to and just come over when they need or want something. Kannon has even done real well. I just knew he would wake up yesterday, see his Mama was gone and start crying, but he didn't. He asked where she was and definitely would have liked for her to be here, but he went on about his playing and did fine.
That's all the news I have for now so I will say......till next time.
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