I finally did it.....while doing yoga yesterday, my left knee did a LOUD POP and I am experiencing some pain in that knee, still this morning. It didn't really hurt THAT bad when it popped, but it was after that when I was getting ready to go for our walk that something happened and I got a catch in there and didn't think I was gonna be able to walk. I could bend the knee with no pain , but then when it came back to straightening it, that's when it would HURT!!! I kept working with it, bending it back and forth and putting my weight on it until it was tolerable to walk. I made it thru our walk, but I can still tell there is something not just right about it, because it still catches sometimes and is still paining me a little. I don't intend to let it get me down......onward and upward! I do intend to be more careful with it and not do anymore damage to it.

I am doing my Thanksgiving cooking today. I am fixing fresh green beans with new potatoes and a Strawberry cake......my Mother in laws favorite. I love the warm cozy feel a house gets when there is cooking going on. A cake in the oven is better than any air freshener you can buy. I am trying to get ahead of myself and do everything this morning.......when I have all day and all the evening. I guess I just get excited and antsy.
I want to rant and rave just a little........My dear husband seemed to have a personal problem this morning. Even in sleep, I could hear him slamming and banging about the house......in a few minutes in was standing beside my side of the bed and in a very angry voice asked.....WHERE ARE MY JEANS!!!!! I DO HAVE 3 PAIR.....RIGHT?????? I CAN ONLY FIND 2. Kind of startled, I said, one may be dirty and in the wash......I LOOKED THERE ALREADY, was his reply. With a quick kiss to my forehead and a BYE, with much disdain in his voice, he was gone. I was up just shortly after that, never really going back to sleep. The first thing I did after getting the coffee going was to go see WHERE his jeans could be.....Lord knows, I hide them from him. Well, I open his chest of drawers and.....what do you know, there sat, folded neatly under 2 other pair of jeans he had dug out and thrown on top of.....was the pair he was looking for. I am owed a HUGE apology, not only for being upset with me, but wanting to have this heated conversation, while I was trying to sleep. It really amazes me that the one person, he supposedly loves the most, he can be SOOOO RUDE to. I would never do that to him. I'm going to let him hear about it when he gets home today. I truly don't think he realizes how rude he is sometimes. Ya know, even if the jeans weren't in his drawer, that was no reason to get all upset and act like a spoiled child.

That's my do for the day. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!!! Till next time.
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