I am up this Friday morning getting ready to take Baxter to the groomers.....he is a MESS!!!!and STINKS!!!, I told you he is a very stinky little dog. He still does a lot of scratching....allergy's, I guess. As for our other GIANT dog, Gus....he is fine, still have to keep him fenced, cause other wise he would run amuck. His area is about 20' by 20', it has big trees in it so he is always shaded and it is really a nice home, accept when we let the grass grow so high in there you couldn't even see him when he was laying down. I got my trusty little red mower and preceded to get that crap cut down to size. With all the tree debris, I first had to do a lot of picking up sticks. There were also rocks and stuff that my little mower would not have liked.....so, after doing my walk through, I began. OMG!!!! It was AWFUL!! I had to walk very slowly as to not choke my mower to the dying stage, even in doing that, it did die on me a couple of times. I pushed and fought through the jungle for over an hour, remember, I said this area is only 20X20 or so. To make matters worse it was hot and muggy that day....just what a menopausal, hot flashing woman needs to be out in and working no less. I was miserable. I did get it conquered and was quite proud of the results. That night came the after shock of my days labor. My right leg started hurting through the night. It wasn't a muscle cramp nor the joint of my knee, but just a deep pain that would kinda start out mild, then ravage into a throbbing pain. I would try and massage it, but couldn't tell that I was ever doing any good....well, I got up took an IBUPROFEN, which helped some and I did get to sleep after that, but this crazy pain lasted for days, all the time I am taking pain pills to ease it, finally, Trace and I got to take our walk yesterday afternoon.....by the time we got back home, the pain was gone and I had no pain through the night last night. Is that not the weirdest thing ever. I know it was the use of that leg in my mowing endeavor that brought on that episode, but who would have thunk that further use of that leg would be the thing to make the pain go away. The other very painful outcome of my taming of the yard was a blister the size of Rhode Island....and that was with gloves on. These aging bodies are really unpredictable. Ya never know exactly what is gonna make them crap out on you. I haven't used my mowing muscles since moving. I guess, I need to get the old bod broke in again. I'm not done yet old girl so just prepare yourself.... Till next time.