I am going to try and catch you up on some of the things going on in my life right now. Starting a few weeks ago, I decided to boycott Walmart.....yes my beloved Walmart, that I was at, at least once a week. Through stories from Traci and other things I have read, I learned that Wally was being unfair to his workers by cutting hours to the point that they were not eligible for any benefits. I know, you have gone to checkout and though there are 20 check stands that line the front of the store, there are only 4 or 5 that are manned with a real person. You also have the choice of checking YOURSELF out.....didn't ya ever think, WHY are there soooo many check stands, but most are not open??? Tell me, why anyone would want to check themselves out? I have always said, if they gave a 10% discount for doing your own checking, I might be interested, but the fact is THEY DON'T and not only that, every time you do it yourself you are eliminating SOMEONES JOB!!!That is how they are ridding themselves of workers and the cost of having them....again, if they were giving that savings to their customers, I might think, ok, I can go along with this to save some money, but PEOPLE!!!, all they are doing is getting RICHER and RICHER. I used to love that all Walmart carried was American made, not true anymore and hasn't been for sometime now. I just knew, I had to take a stand, don't give them our hard earned money. I do my grocery buying, mostly at Brookshire now. I know I spend a little more by doing so, but if everyone would care how we are being treated and do that, GIVE BACK thing in our own communities, support the Mom and Pop stores these big corporations would have to do better. Now, if and when Wally decides to change some of these policies and once again it is a good American company to work for and shop at, I will return with my money to spend.
Now, having said all that, long before this Walmart thing, I had stopped going to McDonalds. When I heard that their beef was coming from HONDUROUS or someplace, I thought HECK NO!!! Why, would you get meat from another country when you live in the cattle capitol of the world? Unfortunately, I know the answer to that......MONEY!!!I swear, doesn't anyone care about quality and patronage of our own country's products?? GEEZZZ!!! that's why we have all this crap sent over from China and anywhere else they can get it made cheaper than here. We are giving America away each and every day. Foreigner's own so much of American companies and the ones still owned by Americans are using foreign countries and their workers to assemble our products. Ok, that's my, STAND BY AMERICANS, story for the day. Hey, I'm with all this green stuff, but the losing of America IS the losing of the WORLD as we know it. Till next time.
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