Hellooooo and Good morning! You think I must be in a better mood this morn.....NOT SO!!! As usual I have already had a complication from my Mortgage company, that I was soooo certain was taken care of. It starts out by our Insurance company NOT cancelling a policy before another was taken out, in which, made our escrow lacking in funds and we were notified that there was a shortage and our Mortgage payment WOULD be going up. I immediately get on the phone to our Insurance company, cause I see on the analysis that TWO, mind you TWO insurance policies were on our house. They totally admit dropping the ball and would get the other policy canceled and get a rebate check to us ASAP. Now, the statement I received from the Mortgage company CLEARLY stated that we had until MAY 1st to get the shortage paid and keep our payment from going up and as a matter of fact it will be lower because of a lower insurance premium. I get up this morning and a draft has come out of our account for the HIGHER payment.....MY HEAD ALMOST BLOWS OFF!!!!! I immediately get on the phone and ask WHAT THE #$@#@$?????? I was informed that though the statement said the payment would go up May 1st, because we have it electronically drafted out of our bank account the payment is made a month in advance.......well, no one bothered to write that on their Summary and as a matter of fact, the stupid payment had already gone up BEFORE we even received the notice saying it was gonna. I just LOVE the service you get from these MULTI MILLION dollar Corporations. They tolerate no jack assing from you, but let them totally screw up and it's OH WELL, with no compensation or apology for their actions or lack there of. I had just got my head cooled off from all the paperwork from last week, taxes and the insurance crap.....now, I am gonna have to start all over again. I really don't like even thinking of business matters or politics and try not to as much as possible. I am quite the easy going, fun loving person when not ruffled by acts of ignorance by companies, I unfortunately do business with or delve into the political arena and think of all the misuse of our hard earned money by the government and so, I'll think no more on those subjects and say till next time.
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