I just watched the Movie of our Hawaii trip and it really was as much fun as it looked. I can't believe how fast the days went by. The flight over and back is the only draw back to a wonderful trip. We found that smoking is a thing of the past in airports and everywhere in Hawaii. Wayne really got edgy at times. They have it set up to where you can't go outside after you've gone thru security at the airports and you don't go making problems with security. The most amazing thing is that in Hawaii even outdoor events allowed no smoking. Most all the businesses are totally open to the outside....doors and windows open,but you not only couldn't smoke after stepping outside, you had to go all the way to the street, before lighting up. I know this was troublesome for Wayne, but he did not complain once, frustration could be seen in his eyes tho.
Hawaii is the most enchanting place. You actually can live with no air coolant. It would get a little hot thru the day, but there always seemed to be a cool breeze blowing......funny, but there would almost be a nip in the air, kinda like the first cool breezes of fall. It made it so nice. After returning back to good old Texas, I have my sinuses going crazy. Nose running constantly, with a case of dry eyes on the side. I didn't have any of that in Hawaii.....I guess from all the moisture in the air. They were actually having a dry spell there. Wayne didn't get to see one waterfall. Everything was still all green and plush with blooms on most every tree and the most luscious fragrant in the air. Dan would absolutely love it there. The coolness of the breeze is right up his alley. I tell you, we don't realize just how HOT it is here until you go somewhere like that. This is fainting weather here...GEEEEZZZZ!
My hair was one thing that didn't take to the Islands. It stayed flat on my head and looked dirty all the time.....yuk, I didn't like that. I am used to that dry, fly away look.
I am still quiet jet lagged. I thought I was fine, but am finding that I am wearing out very quickly. Wayne and I went to bed at 6:00 Monday afternnon and slept the night thru, but I don't think we have gotten back on Texas time yet. Guess I'll close this for now and say, till next time.
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