Seems that July is coming to and end. July has always been my favorite month, I guess from childhood cause it is my birthday month and as I got older it is the month that represents freedom to me......from school and then the anticipated vacation. Yep, people I turned 54 on the 21st. I am liking my 50's. The old body hasn't completely crapped out yet and I still have some resemblance of coherency a few moments at a time. A poem has come to mind.
At fifty four, I'm young no more,
but a child I may become;
For in my mind, thoughts float about,
and some are really dumb;
I like this age, it has it's perks,
She's old, just let her be;
Get away with most things I say,
but, DANG I cannot see;
Where are those specs,I search and search,
They're nowhere to be found;
I know they're here, I search some more,
Disorienting and troublesome,
These things, they come my way;
Yep, the fifties, are proving to be quite great,
Now, the sixties????? I can't say
Till next time.
1 comment:
GAWD, The Midlife Gals sooooo love your blog! You commented on our blog a few months back and you graciously have us on your blogroll!
We've morphed from a simple blog to a full-on website, though yours can't be rivaled...if you would update our new URL on your roll, we'd give you our firstborns...Oops! We forgot to have CHILDREN!
and, email us from our site so we can update you on our announcement list...like to invite you to our RADIO TALK show for example!
KK and SalGal
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