July 3, 2008

Pulled Back In

The pull towards this blog gets overwhelming at times especially when I go read other blogs. I keep trying to get out, but IT KEEPS PULLING ME BACK IN!.....hence the old movie line.

I am eager and proud to say that my last endeavor of losing weight has really come thru for me. Remember the just don't eat one....well it has proved to work. I have lost almost 15 lbs. I kept track of every morsel put in my mouth. I watched the calories instead of the fat intake and limited my calories to 1000 or less a day. I am afraid that with vacation will come the weight gain. I will try and not go crazy, but do intend to have a good time and then I guess I can go back to the stiff rigors of counting every calorie. It hasn't been extremely hard. It is just a matter of portion control and they have come out with some pretty delicious, low cal foods, even in the sweets category and I'm not talking about Jello.

The topics of today seem to be wearing me out. I tire of the political crap. To me, one politician is no better than the next. Republican.....Democrat, no matter. One can screw us as well as the other. Politician's are just like serial killers. They all have their own MO, each very distinct, but in the end, the outcomes they produce are the same.

I am trying so hard to distance myself from all the hub-bub, be it political or religious. I don't want to waste one moment of this life trying to discover or uncover the truth or meaning of this life nor who is going to be more apt at making it better......or worse. If things should worsen, it will be blamed on which ever candidate is in office and if things should begin to be somewhat better the Christian will be praising the Lord for that outcome. Christians make comments about people who had horrible things happen to them because they did not believe in God. Those same Christians cannot explain why bad things happen to the ones that do. Just last week a family leaving Church was hit by another vehicle and all of them were killed.....did they not believe deeply enough? I know, it will be said that they have gone to a better place, God called them home, but let it happen toooo, say, a gay couple and it was Gods rath that struck out against them for their sinful ways......don't ya find it pretty ironic? The same thing can happen to two different people and it is their belief that determines whether they were just called home or whether God struck them dead for their sins? It is always the judgers of this world that will answer that question.

DANG IT!!!! I didn't mean to go there. The very topics I wanted to steer clear of and that's what I write about.

I got the want to write, so I did. I wish life could be simple like it was as a child.....no burning questions nor approval or disapproval of anyone, just being glad of the sunrise, long days and moonlit nights to play in. Care free and happy, just to be. Till next time.

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