August 30, 2007


You know the old saying.....UP AND AT UMMM, well, I am up ,but certainly not at um. I can't blame it on my night, cause I slept WONDERFULLY, deep and dreaming all night. I don't have any plans for my day as yet....I could do some house cleaning, my floors are a mess.

I've told you of my indecisive way of shopping, well, I had been thinking of buying a new car. This has been going on for a couple of weeks. First of all, I couldn't decide what kind of car I wanted. I finally narrowed it down to two, a Jeep Compass or a Chrysler Nitro. We looked and looked at several dealerships. Green was my choice of color for my new ride, so I was leaning toward the Compass. The Nitro didn't come in green. One was more fuel efficient, the other more power and FUN to drive.

I really LOVE Jeep products, I think they are well constructed, reliable vehicles. My Jeep is a 98 Cherokee Sport. It has been and still is a GREAT car. The only reason I was even looking at a new car was because mine had developed a couple of things that were driving me crazy and I couldn't seem to get my MECHANIC husband to look at for me. I have a belt that squalls when I first start it up.....I HATE THAT!!! The whole neighborhood can hear it. It just does it for a few seconds and then it is fine, but those few seconds are quite embarrassing. Next, is the hatch has a problem with it's hydraulics and won't stay up, now, this only happens in cold weather.....I have no problem with it in the summer time. So, you see, it is trivial little things.

I did get excited thinking about driving a NEW car, but I kept feeling very uneasy about it too. I know what I have in my Jeep. I can't say that in any new one I get, till I have it. I even got Traci and RB involved in my quest. Seems they have an old school buddy that just happens to work at a Chrysler dealership in Lampasses Texas. He worked and worked trying to find THE car for me. The determining factor was gonna be the monthly payment....which was THE BIG draw back on buying a new vehicle to begin with. I DO own my payment on it. I felt like I would really have to be IN LOVE with this new car to want to pay a payment on it for the next 5 years or more.

It got down to the wire..... credit had been approved, all he needed was my go ahead and the vehicle was gonna be put on a trailer and be delivered to my door, arriving this Friday. I just couldn't do it......the payment was more than I had agreed upon, but that wasn't the only reason.....I just got to thinking WHY in the world would I get rid of a vehicle that is mechanically sound and I do so LOVE. I mean, I kinda did the same thing back when I owned my 93 Jeep. I had driven it for years and decided I wanted a new vehicle so we went and got a new car.....sold my Jeep to my sister in law, cause again IT was mechanically sound.....I don't think I had that car for even a year and I wanted MY JEEP back. Wayne and I traveled all over the metroplex looking for me a Jeep. We found one and traded a 2000 model car for a 98 Jeep Cherokee Sport. I never regretted it for a moment.

I turned down the new car deal. Wayne has promised to give my beloved Jeep some attention and all is right with the world for me. Sometimes my indecisiveness works to my best interest. Till next time.

August 28, 2007

Learning Through Travel

Oh! My! Gosh! anything I have to say is going to be DULL in comparison to the controversial, face slapping, eye popping, topic of Traci's blog of yesterday. I stand behind her 100% and take great pride in the fact that maybe....just maybe, some of her independent, thought provoking, go against the grain way of thinking came from me. She puts into action what I just dare to think. I would have LOVED to home a matter of fact, I did HOME SCHOOL to a point. The kids and I would go on nature walks most everyday.....seeing all kinds of plants, insects, animals for us to look at and discuss. We would come upon old houses and barns long since abandoned, but still having remnants of simpler times. We would see old medicine bottles, relic tools and other treasures of a by gone era. Hands on learning people is what that was. You have also heard of our family car trips.....well, there again, learning thru experience. Actually seeing places that most children just get to see in books. We have traveled to a lot of the 50 states. Our children have been to THE GRAND CANYON, PIKES PEAK, CARLSBAD CAVERNS, ROYAL GORGE, YELLOW STONE PARK, THE SMITHSONIAN, BATTLE GROUNDS, FAMOUS CEMETERIES, countless places. I assure you that they retained more of what their eyes looked upon and what their fingers touched than anything they would have read in a book. The very best part of it all is how we inner acted with each other. We learned more about each other on those trips and found out that we really LIKED each other's company. I love my children, but like them for the fun loving, good natured people that they are. You GO Trace.....I'm behind you all the way. The molding of a human being is the most important job on this planet....why would we think that strangers can do a better job than we can. We, who love these little people the most, surely can do a better job. Till next time.

August 24, 2007


I have to snicker this morning after reading Traci's blog.....she is so dead on about me, now, as far as this school thing.....the verdict's still out on that. I totally agree with her about the Schools and their never ending ability to enrage her. I never liked School myself....not when I had to go, not when I had to send my kids. I think children ought to be left to be children.....more free time just to enjoy being young. When you look at the big scheme of things, is it really all that important to know when the Civil War started or how many States are in the union. I can assure you that when I reach the end of my life and death is coming to me, I'm not going to be thinking......WHO WAS THE 14Th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? I know that we have to learn to read and write and know basic Math skills and I guess, if your going to be an Nuclear Scientist your gonna need some extra schooling, but come on people most of what we learn in school is NOT retained. Countless hours spent sitting in a chair, wishing you were anywhere else on earth, but SCHOOL. I know there are those of you who are LEARN MONGERS and feel the more you can cram into a child's mind the better off they are.....Education is THE most important thing in life......does it really make a better person? Yeah, I know, they are better at answering trivia questions, but are they anymore caring or loving or CHRISTIAN simply because they had more schooling. I just don't understand all the hub bub over Education. It is really such a very minuscule part of becoming a good, solid, well rounded human being. I did my duty, went to school and graduated, then saw my children thru school. I wasn't the rebel that Traci's is, but if I wanted my kids to stay home and miss a day of school......THEY DID. I can remember when I was in about the 7TH or 8TH grade, every Tuesday, I would get up and go to school, but before lunch my Mom would come and get me out of school and we would go spend the day with my sister. I LOVED that day......looked forward to it every week. What I learned on those Tuesday afternoons did not come from a book.....I learned about love and family. Those days we shared are PRICELESS to me. Remember, my Mother worked full time and only had two days off. Her other day off was spent doing house cleaning, laundry and such, but that one day a week, we escaped together. The drugery of work and school forgotten for an afternoon. Life should be filled with moments like that. Education has it's place, but it shouldn't overshadow all the wonderful moments spent.....NOT IN A CLASSROOM. Till next time.

August 22, 2007

Jump Start Needed

Today I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned....YAAAA HOOO...I would almost rather eat dirt. I DO NOT want to go, but feel it is a necessary evil, so I will. I don't have any other plans for my day.....maybe stop by Traci's, seeing how my Dentist is right over there by her. It looks to be a little over cast outside...could rain be on it's way??? I almost feel ashamed to want it to rain after the monsoons we had a few months ago and all the wanting it to JUST STOP RAINING ALREADY!!! Everything is getting pretty parched and trying to water it all is just a joke. It's not gonna rain tho, I can already see the sun peeping out, getting ready to scorch my lawn some more. One good thing about it.....that crappin grass doesn't grow very fast. I am going 2 and 3 weeks between mowing's now. I do try and keep the flower beds and trees thirst at bay with a little bit of hand watering. Seems that after all the flowing words of yesterday my mind is dry of thoughts. I'm not going to push it cause I know the words will come again. There will be something that sparks my ignition and I will get revved up and the thoughts will come so quickly that my fingers will constantly be trying to keep up, but for now I will say....till next time

August 21, 2007

Helping Those That Help Themselves

I got my day started off right. I didn't sit at this computer all morning.....I got myself dressed and out to Wally's before 8:30, hoping to beat the heat. I made a mad dash around the store, quickly checked out putting some cash on my Wally card to get mower gas. I was back home in a flash and headed for the back yard to get it mowed and looking nice.

The whole time I was mowing I was thinking about my yesterday's blog and how I must come off to some of you. I kept thinking....WHY am I so passionate and down right belligerent about those in our society that always seem to need help and those that are always there to make sure they do. I started thinking about it in a personal way.

I thought about my Dad, who was one that never held a job for any amount of time and throughout his entire life depended on others, be it his Mother before she passed, my Mom, other women that have no names or faces, a boyhood friend, who was always coming to his aid and last, but certainly not least my sister, who cared for him when old age and hard living had destroyed his health. I thought....if my grandmother ( his Mother) would have taught him self reliance and built his esteem to where he felt he could be self sufficient, could he have been the MAN that my Mom always wanted him to be. Instead she made sure that he stay dependant and unable to not only care for anyone else, but not even be able to care for himself. He died totally alone and I know he never felt sorrow for the way he conducted his life while he was living , but I wonder, in his last breathe, did he feel sorrow, was he remorseful that he had no relationships with his children and take responsibility that HE was the cause of it.

I had a total, eye opening, light bulb moment, in that, I could clearly see why my Mom could not stay married to him. It wasn't because of his inabilities, per say, it was she loved him enough to expect MORE from him, knew he could do better....not that he didn't do it, but rather that he chose not to do it and felt no remorse for his decisions. That's it in a nutshell. It is because I care so intently that those always seeking the help of others are doing nothing to gain self reliance or self worth. The worse they feel about themselves the more that has to be done for them. The Do Gooders, as I call them are doing the same thing to these people that my grandmother did to my Dad. I expect MORE from people, because I think they are worth it. It BURNS me up that they won't live up to the wonderful human beings that they could be. I questioned, when a woman is sitting in church and praying to God to help her, because she doesn't know where she is going to get the money to buy, supplies for her child. All the while she sits there knowing that she spent money on fake fingernails and that took president over her child's needs.....does she think that God is going to answer that prayer.... do YOU think he should????Do you think she should be helped by some charitable source? It's like the criminals that tell the outside world of their repentance, but God sees into their hearts and KNOWS the only thing they are sorry for is that they are in prison, with no thought of WHY they are there. Are they delusional to think that HE doesn't know the truth??? That they may as well say I DID IT!!!! and I don't care cause he sees what's in their hearts. I am the exact same way. I can forgive anything, if I know the person has true, heartfelt remorse and will try their hardest to do better, but to try and play on my sympathy and make me believe that they can do no better for themselves.....I will never buy. I DO expect people to carry their own loads. Be responsible enough to know that they created that load. It is they that should shoulder the heaviest burden of it. Then in dire time of need, one hands up....not hand out could come to their aid. We need to teach people to seek out their inner strength, stand on their own two feet, be responsible for their lives. That's the way God intended it to be. Till next time

August 20, 2007

Watch Out Soap Box Ahead

I am up this morning and having a little war with myself as to what I want to do today or what I should even do first. First, I will blog and maybe by the time I am finished with it I will have my brain unscrambled and go on to the next thing....uh oh phone.

Well, I have been yakking with Trace for about the last hour.....she is totally up in arms over the school supplies list for Hunter, who is going into the 7th grade this year......go read her blog.....if you dare.

I am so off schedule now, I was gonna go mow the back yard, but I am afraid it is going to be way to hot by the time I go and get gas for the mower and make it back, sooooo I may just take my shower and go get my car cleaned I had kicked around the idea of just washing it in the driveway, but I know a place that does a dandy job for a good price and all I have to do is sit in the air conditioned office and wait for them to do it. That sounds much more appealing...don't you think? The weekend went by in a always. Seems like it is always either Friday afternoon or Monday morning..whoops, another interruption, my darling daughter again.

She has totally rattled my brain and I am having a hard time staying on this task. My head almost blew off listening to her and that RIDICULOUS school supplies list. I don't know what this country is coming to. It is no wonder people think they need to do fund raisers to help some families with these OUTRAGEOUS school supplies lists, but you know is the ones that DO buy all that crap that are supplying the ones that can't or don't. Almost everything listed was in 2 packages of red pens, 2 packages of black or blue pens and so on, now, I'm not sure , but I think there are 20 pens in a package......why in the world would he need to supply that many pens, RED especially....isn't it the teacher that uses RED? Keep in mind that EVERY student is to bring this same amount. I should think there would be enough supplies for the next 5 school years....where does all the unused supplies go???? They seem to ask for these same amounts or more of things the very next year. Students don't get to keep their own supplies, it becomes school property, doled out at the teachers discretion. Little Johnny Joe, that didn't contribute one thing to his school supplies, gets handed anything he needs from the over abundant supplies racked in by all the rest.

Phone again!!!!! Traci, has totally changed my whole days plan......gotta get up and get in the shower....we're off to meet our Real estate lady, who just happens to be our good friend, have lunch and do some real estate stuff......will get back to this later.

Well, later is here, at least I am showered and dressed and ready for pick up, so thought I might get this finished. I think you got my drift about the school supplies topic and Traci will elaborate on it when she gets her blog written....which may not be till much later today since the new goings on have taken up her time this morning. My last thought on the school supplies and any other forms of charitable deeds is that as always, it is total over kill. There have been tooooo many avenues to which the needy obtains help. I know that before each school year starts there are places that the needy can go to get absolutely FREE school supplies, funded by, I am sure TAX PAYERS, then you have all the charitable places, such as our Churches and the like that feel they also need to contribute to helping these families and who do they look toward for that help.......once again.....US. So, to understand this completely you first must realize that there is NO.... NEED..., as far as SCHOOL SUPPLIES because the schools are already asking for students to bring in more supplies than could ever be used by the contributors of that school supplies. I mean come on people.....who can't afford paper, pencil, and a pen. If they would just go back to basics and teach our children to READ and WRITE there would be no need for Dixie cups, zip lock bags, and the other countless CRAP that they are asking for. Our Society has become so OVER THE TOP and tho it is TOTALLY ignorant and wasteful, we want every child to learn that they have to have exactly what everyone else has no matter how it has to be obtained. That's why you see kids wearing name brand clothes and shoes and have I pods and every other expensive thing you can think of, but the parents or parent can't afford housing or food. We have made a generation of people that absolutely think they are owed these things and should have what only the wealthy use to have. I get so fired up on these types of topics. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong or bad about not being RICH. If they can show up to school with paper and pen then DAMN IT that's good enough. All you Do Gooders are crippling these people. That's not all I have to say , but that's where I am ending this....till next time.

August 17, 2007

My Little Red Mower

One of the last things I said yesterday was that I wasn't going to complain anymore and I swear if that's not exactly the first thing I want to do. Here goes......the night wasn't quite as fitfull as the previous, but there was some fitten going on. My main complaint is my aching back. I PUSH mowed the front yard yesterday and my back is telling the news. That self propelled booger didn't mow the grass as short as mine had always done so when I started in trying to mow with my good old reliable mower, the poor ole thing kept getting choked and tried to die on me through out the whole mowing session. I did have to pull start it a couple of times, where the thick grass just got to be too much for it. It sputtered and coughed with black smoke puffing out it's little exhaust, finally with one burst of......I CAN DO IT! I CAN DO IT! It DIED!!! It would start right back up again and this scenario played out over the whole lawn.......needless to say, I did NOT mow the back. I must dedicate this blog to my little red goes.

I have a little mower,

It's red and small and cute;

It tries to work it's best for me,

but, to my husband, does not suit;

He wants the big GARGANTUA,

the wonderful, self propelled;

It's heavy, huge, and monstrous,

I don't like it, you can tell;

I like to be the one in charge,

To push one where I want;

Instead of being dragged around,

My power there to taunt;

I stand beside my mower,

Tho, it really kills my back;

I will not use GARGANTUA,

Take heed, cause that's a fact;

I am my own worst enemy,

My tasks, I make so hard;

My husband thinks I'm quite the fool

but, it's I who mows the yard.

August 16, 2007

Unhaltering Spirit

I have to say, sometimes I don't appreciate how good I have it. I was complaining in my own mind of the fretful night I had had.......all the tossing and turning and never getting to a solid state of sleep, not to mention all the HOT FLASHES I have been having at night, when I come in to my computer and read an email from my friend, who just happens to be my cousin. This poor girl makes my worries look inadequate and small. She begins by telling me that her A/C has gone keep in mind we are having a HEAT WAVE here in Texas, being in the triple digits thru the day and staying in the 90's at night. I am in the world is she staying in that house. My short term hot flashes are nothing compared to getting hot and staying that way with no relief in sight. Can you imagine getting up to get ready for work in a, if that wasn't bad enough she goes on to tell me that her neighbor had their yard sprayed for fleas and guess where the little boogers ran.....right over into her yard, so not only is she battling the heat she has to make a made dash to her car, swatting at her legs with every step to keep the dang fleas off. GOOD GRIEF!!!! I don't know how she does it, but she keeps her great sense of humor thru it all and can make you think you are reading a comical skit. I told her to pack a bag and get outta Dodge.....QUICK! I swear, she is one of those people that has to hold down the fort even tho it has totally been taken over by the enemy. Get out, Suzy, GET OUT! I hope those dang employers of hers knows what a real trooper they have and pay her accordingly. I was gonna say, that if that were me I would have called them and said, I won't be into today and tomorrow's not looking good either, but actually, I am the same way. I thought the world would end or I would be FIRED if I didn't make it to work. Now, Trace has taught me that there is NO job and NO circumstance that is as important than your own well being and the dang job will be right there waiting for you when you get back. Her words really hit home with me when the 911 thing happened. I would have been one of the ones that stayed in their office, cause I was told to. Totally giving my power to someone else. Suzy, take heed girl, do what you need to do for your personal well being. As for me, I will do no more complaining about my trivial little woes and will keep in mind the exhausting spirit that my cousin exhibits. No heated days or burning nights, nor biting fleas will keep the Sue from doing her job...heck, she sounds like a mail carrier, except I don't think that's their motto anymore. One obstruction in front of your mailbox and NO MAIL FOR YOU!!!! Oh man, I do get off track. Hang in there Sue, hopefully the Calvary is on the way. Till next time.

August 14, 2007

Halos and Horns

We are given a life,

full of hopes, full of dreams;

should not go thru it blindly,

accepting what life deems;

We have the power,

from the time we are born;

to make good decisions,

the wrong ones, to mourn;

We are innocent in youth,

evil lurks in disguise;

A life that's so precious,

becomes tainted with lies;

Why do some see so clearly,

others lost in the dark;

Do they see glimpse of light,

but, are afraid to embark;

How can they do wrong,

with no conscience or fear;

When God's judgment day,

draws ever so near;

To repent with no feeling,

a heart with no truth;

God see's in our souls,

you can't be aloof;

I'm no one special,

but, I surely see;

It's the Halos you want,

The Horns you must flee;

Sinner, take this to heart,

when our journey ends;

deeds done on this earth,

our after life soley depends;

Truth tugs at your heart,

let it fill you with light;

unburden your soul,

into God, make your flight.

August 13, 2007

Mr Monday

Hello, Mr Monday!!!! Dang, it always seems to be Monday.......YIKERS!!! these days go by so's SCARY! Today, I have a Dentist appointment....just a cleaning, nothing too torturous. I forgot to update ya on Wayne's Dr. visit. He has been given a clean bill of health....YAAAAHOOOOO!!!! I am so glad. No high blood pressure and his cholesterol was back down too. His lungs have been deemed perfectly healthy, so he feels now, he has a real good reason to NOT smoke. He has done so remarkably well. I am very proud of him. I knew if he put that hard head of his into quitting smoking.....he would. We did go and see The Bourne Ultimatum.......we liked it! I wasn't real crazy about the way they filmed it, with the camera always moving around, but the story and the action well made up for it. Sometimes, I felt sea sick from all the movement, especially during the fast paced action scenes. I can definitely see where they kept their options open for a 4th one. I gotta get going....I just realized that it is almost 9:00. My appointment is at 10:00 and I am sitting here in my PJ's. I better GIT!!! Till next time.

August 12, 2007

Short And Sweet

It is only 9:oo am this Sunday morning and I have already been to Walmart and am back again. I wanted to try and beat the heat and the CROWD. I'm proud to say, I managed to do both. We have had a really nice weekend thus far. Wayne and I enjoyed each others company yesterday out just goofing around. We ended our day out with dinner at Red was soooo good. We are planning to go to the movies today to see The Bourne is suppose to be real good......we shall see. I did enjoy the first two Bourne movies, but sometimes when they try to pull a third out of the same premise, it doesn't quite live up to the others. I am happy just to be out of the house. It has really turned SUMMER, finally. I am afraid we aren't going to have a Fall this year. It is gonna go straight from summer to winter. The trick or treaters are gonna have to find some cool cool, that is. This is going to be short and sweet......just enough to let ya know, I am here and just enjoying LIFE. More next time.

August 9, 2007

A Dose Of Blog For Doll

Not much going on, but seem to be staying busy. We celebrated with Wayne's Mom, Saturday for her approaching birthday on Monday. We ate steak and baked potatoes, salad and fresh corn right off the cob. I made her her favorite Strawberry Nut cake.Katherine and Dan made a surprise visit with Mason. She baked a fudge marble cake and brought all the fixens for our potatoes.....we enjoyed the food and visit, hope she did too. Hunt and Kan spent the night with us that night so the next morning when Traci and RB came to get them we all went out for breakfast........GOSH!!!!! it was soooooo good. The rest of the weekend was filled with just the same ole same ole........OH! I almost forgot....Wayne actually mowed the back yard.....can you believe it? I didn't even ask him to. This amazing event happened because he has borrowed RB's self propelled lawnmower. He had told me once that if he had a mower that pulled it's self, he would help me with the mowing and be darned if he didn't. Now, I myself......HATE, the big, clumsy, self propelled thing. I tried using it in the front yard and found myself wrestling with the thing, it wanting to go , me wanting it to either stay or turn, You have heard the old saying.....can't chew gum and walk at the same time, well, I think I can't do all the maneuvers for that thing and walk behind it too. I kept finding myself pushing it....cause it wasn't going fast enough for me. It also wouldn't get close to things, so much more weed eating is needed and ya know from past blogs Wayne isn't a yard guy and has weed eated once this whole summer. I finally got out my little electric weed eater, which doesn't have much power, but at least it made the yard look more manicured. I really did appreciate his efforts and was more than happy to see the back get mowed, without me being the one doing it. Tho, I did a lot of fussing and vowed I would never use the BIG, hard to handle self propelled thing again, knowing me, I probably will. I do still like my little, easy to handle, push mower. Ok, off the grass cutting topic.....yesterday, Trace had some shopping to do so we went over and had lunch with the guys and then made our way to Targets and Pet smart. We had a fun time looking at all the unusual things they carry at Targets. It is so totally different than my Walmart. Wayne and I travel back to the Dr. in Kaufman today. They are checking his cholesterol and comparing chest xrays....not sure what else. I guess that's about it for this week so far. I need to get up and get this day started. Wayne will be here to pick me up shortly and I am still in my PJ's. Ok, Doll, how'd I do? She is my one true avid reader and won't let too much time go by without requesting a new blog. I know how she feels cause I go to Traci's blog at least 3 times a day looking for new info to read.....TRACE! get busy!!! Till next time.

August 3, 2007

A Long Journey

I have to take a few minutes this morning to tell you how ELATED I am. My heart is so touched by my little grandson Kannon. All of you who knows the story of P. only knows one portion of it. This family's whole dynamic changed when the adoption of that little girl first started. The changes were countless as the process drew on and when she finally was here none of us knew or could have guessed what her presence would do to our little Kannon. He was the happiest baby.....always having a big smile on his face, but thru no fault of her own, P. had a very adverse affect on him. He became so unhappy and unable to be comforted. There was nothing in his little life that brought him was almost like he had started mirroring P.'s personality and disposition. When I walked in their house, I was always met by the other boys, for hugs and hello's, P. even learned to be glad to see me, by watching the other boys, but poor little Kan kept getting more distant by the day. Now, you have to keep in mind that he and I had a very close relationship at the start of the adoption, He stayed with me thru the long and distant trips Trace and RB had to make. I can't really say when the changes first started to appear, but I can tell you that it has taken all these months, I think it has been around 8 for that little guy to come back to us......back to me. He actually cried to come home with me yesterday.....I thought it was just a fluke and he would change his mind long before we even made it to the car, but he was quite content all the way to my house. He fell asleep on our way home.....I just knew when I had to get him out of the car he was gonna wake up and cry to go home.....well, he did stir a little, but I told him we were at Granny's house and he laid his head down on my shoulder and we went in and I laid him on the bed, laying beside him for just a minute and he went back to sleep. Now, all of that was a pure miracle, but the most unbelievable part is, first he didn't cry for his Mama when he woke up, he just immediately started in playing, but when RB came to pick him up after work and he didn't want to go home.....I could not believe it. We determined that he would probably change his mind sometime before bedtime.......well, it didn't happen. He was a happy little lark and never mentioned home or Mom. That's what I am use to, all of my grandsons feel very comfortable at my house and all always want to spend the night with me. Now, FINALLY Kan is amongst them. Adoption is a wonderful thing and can enrich the lives of many people, but we have learned that there are other stories out there.....things people don't want to talk about, the effect one little person can have on a family. I am so sadden by the final outcome of the adoption of P., but you can't sacrifice one child for another. To have our Kan back means more than can be expressed in words. He has just walked in....with a big smile on his face. What could be better than that? Till next time.

August 2, 2007

Boisterous And Demure

Yesterday was my yearly visit to the Dr. for Pap Smear and overall physical. I dread that so much every year.....sure was glad when it was over. All seemed well, but of course I will have to wait for my Paps results. Traci and I went together as we usually do, traveling the 2 hours to get to the same Dr. we have had for years. It is always worth the trip. While waiting our turn, an older lady was already sitting in front of us, but then another elderly lady sat down. Before she could even get all the way sitted, she was talking to us, saying that she was fixing to turn, let me tell ya, she was as spry as the day is long. In contrast the other lady who was very quiet and demure, hardly cracking a smile and saying very little. Ms. Boisterous, asked the other lady how old she was......she answers, 81.........OH! Ms. Boisterous says, your just a baby......I want to live to be 95. Ms. Demure didn't say a word, but her face expression was saying.....well I DON"T! Ms. Boisterous went on to tell of the several back surgeries she had had, one lasting 6 hours and she laid claim that after only 3 hours in the recovery room, per her request, her Dr. put a back brace on her and allowed her to drive herself home, now, she did say someone was with her, but this person didn't know the way home and she did. I didn't doubt a word she said. She went on to tell us that her back problems started when she was out building a dock.....yep, that's what she said. She was a real hoot and had that lust for life that I am always wanting to hold on to. She said she had some aches and pains, but just kept on going....worked right thru them. Ms. Demure said she had no pain, but no energy to do anything......was it lack of that lust that Ms. Boisterous has that keeps that lady from feeling energetic. I don't know, but I want to be like Ms. Boisterous.......that woman had GAME. She doesn't sit on the side lines and wait for life to happen to her, she makes things happen in her life.....She's my kinda gal. I don't know why either of the lady's were at the Dr., but I wish them both well and it would be to my delight to run into both of them again next year when our annual trip is made. Till next time.