I have no idea what this day will bring. I look out and it looks very humid, dark and dreary. Maybe, the sun will burn it off and bring on that bright warmness that only it can bestow upon us. I love the sunshine and even tho I know we're suppose to cover ourselves up and spread on the suntan lotion, I just can't seem to get into a ritual of doing so and really don't want to. I know they say it is sooooo bad and I can see where they are coming from, but I have to feel it on my skin........I get to craving it when there are too many dark days without it. If you want to lift your spirits just go into the sun, bask in it's glow, if not for just a few minutes. It can boost my mind and body and truly renew my energy. I mean, just think about this......do you ever hear of a construction worker, ditch digger, grass cutter, road crew or any other people that work outdoors going off the deep end and killing their co workers or entire families.....NO, I say not! It is the executives and any type of office work that brings on that CRAZY DEMENTIA. Now, I know there will be those, that will explain this by saying, it is the office workers that have more stress. I don't think so....we ALL have stress, from the Walmart worker to the CEO's of major companies, they just come in different packages. Think about the Postal workers, hence the saying, GOING POSTAL. I think they were workers in the Post Office it's self and not carriers out in the sunshine. We all stay shut up in our little dark shelters waaayyyyy too much. I remember staying outside the whole day when I was a little girl and even as a teenager and young adult a lot of time was spent outside. We are spoiled people. We can't stand the heat and do you know why???? We keep hold up in air conditioning so much that our tolerance of the heat is lessening. I don't think this is a good thing for us, not mentally nor physically. Staying indoors while we are at work or play, usually consists of us sitting on our butts.......we may be using our brains......somewhat, but our bodies, our poor old bodies are getting fatter and flabbier from lack of use. It is no wonder that so many older people are sinking into mental issues.....Dementia, Alzymers. They come from a generation of physical work and this sedentary and uneventful lifestyle sends them into the dark recesses of depression. Have you ever saw an older person try and watch a movie and you know, they just aren't getting it. All these new ways to occupy our minds. How many of you can remember when the adults gathered out on the porch and actually had conversation with each other, kids ran and played in the yard and they were happy to do so......no TV, lap top, video game or ipod to stick in their ear. Nothing that allowed them to zone out. Those really were the good old days. Stimulation of the mind came from interacting with living, breathing people. Every emotion was had while listening to others talk of by gone days or something that happened to them, that day. Stories that could bring you to tears or double you up with laughter. All enjoyed, where???? OUTSIDE! The fresh green grass, huge shading trees, chirping of the birds and cry of the locusts and last, but certainly not least for me, the soothing warmth of the SUNSHINE. Till next time