Once again, I log onto Traci's blog and find she has left me alone on this blogger site.....DON'T LEAVE ME HERE, SIS......I want to go with you!!!! I don't do all that fancy stuff so I really don't care where my site is, but I feel so abandoned. I liked my original site and I may get her to take me back there and hope you all will travel with me. I am really such a hypocrite.......I HATE COMPUTERS. I always have.......all the ways they say saves us so much time, is a bunch of PHOOOYYYYY. I get so exasperated at this thing, sometimes I want to throw it out the window. I do enjoy the emails......getting and receiving, and I do some web surfing, but it never fails, when I am trying to do something really important on this thing, it turns into nothing but trouble. I know in a lot of the instances, it is me, not it, that has the problems, but HEY! I do try and sometimes....it is IT! The one thing I do so dearly love is being able to be one button away from saying hello to an old friend or someone in my family. It has totally replaced the telephone and in some ways makes it easier to communicate with others. I do so enjoy knowing that my ole school chums are out there and we have been in touch more in the last few years than we have since being in school together. Writing letters is something from by gone days virtually, obsolete. As much as I love getting emails, there is nothing like getting a hand written letter from someone you care about. That really shows that that person cares enough to take the time to HAND WRITE, put in an envelope, place a stamp on, carry to the mailbox, something, just for you. I will say, I totally use this avenue to correspond with most everyone these days. In this fast paced world we live in, the computer makes it possible to receive, read, respond to correspondence in a matter of minutes. I guess you can see that I have a love hate relationship with this thing. Like with anything, you have to take the bad with the good. Till next time.
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