I just watched a clip where Newt Gingrich is talking about how the government really could track down illegals in this country if they really wanted to, saying it is ridiculous to think we can track packages all over the country, but can't seem to track down these people. Well, I don't know about his analysis and comparison to FedEx packages. I think a better analogy would have been Americas Most Wanted......yes people it is US, the American people ourselves who can help get the illegals out of this country. Is it not us that see them everyday. We know where they live and know where they work, it is US that with a simple call in to authorities, when we know that a
family is here illegally, could shed our country of them. Oh, I know, they would have to set up a special task force and have people to man the phones 24, 7, have buses ready to load and deport, someone to head the whole operation.......isn't that exactly how Americas Most Wanted is conducted. I know, the first question out would be, where will the money come from to fund such a huge undertaking. That's easily answered, we will have MILLIONS of dollars saved when these illegals are taken off our welfare system and we don't need special teachers in our schools or all the free breakfasts and lunches we pay for, we won't be footing the bill for all the babies being born in our hospitals. We don't have it in us to do that, tho, do we.....we are too kind hearted and always feel for the underdog, no one wants to be the one to point fingers and know that they are the one that caused a family to have to leave this wonderful country, but if we don't wake up and take charge of OUR COUNTRY then they or some other nationality is going to. We are so busy WORKING and making the old mighty dollar we don't take the time to do anything else. We watch the news, hear all the stories and we gripe and complain, but that's it, back to work the next day. We just keep filling the money pot fuller and fuller so that we draw money hungry undesirables into our government. We are just freaking work horses, but do we get put out to a wonderful green pasture and taken care of when our work capabilities are gone???? I DON"T THINK SO!!!!! Well, I kinda strayed off the topic. I am like all the rest and would hate to think that I caused pain or hardship in someone elses life, but I also know that we CANNOT keep giving and giving to others when AMERICANS are paying the price. Some say we should just take over Mexico, in some respects I agree with that. Somehow, I think we would get the short end of the stick in that regard also. They would probably increase OUR taxes to help build up and restore Mexico and if you think we have enough Spanish speaking people on our welfare system now, can you imagine what it would be like then. I know that for as many Mexicans that are here there are ten times more there......think about that. I also think why would we want a place that even the native born people from there don't want. The Mexicans that live there would absolutely HATE us for coming in and speaking English and taking over with our lifestyles and cultures and flying OLD GLORY would be an abomination..... Heck, maybe that's the ultimate revenge. The big difference would be, that we would be improving the peoples lives there, bringing in industries and hopefully teaching them how to become productive, but I do wonder at what cost to us......there would definitely be a cost, there always is. Till next time.

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