Oh!, that daughter of mine. She does intrigue me. I am always amazed at what she's done now. How does she come up with all these new blog designs. Good grief, I am happy just to write a blog, much less trying to have to come up with a new design of my page ever so often.....ya know, she designed mine for me. I go in anticipation to see what's new there.....and there is usually always something. That girl......I swear, can you imagine having a whole conversation about getting scum off the shower walls. Now, this took some thinking. We put our heads together and decided that once it is clean....which could take a while...the next step would be to keep that GUNK off of it. I thought and she thought, then, LIGHT BULB moment, first she said to use something like RAIN X to keep the clean clear shine, then I said.....why not JET DRY, that's what they use to make your glasses and dishes shine and keep a nice clean sheen. We shall see if our ideas pan out or just create another layer of crap to have to get off the shower walls. We usually hang on the phone with each other for hours, but yesterday she had her cleaning cap on and I didn't ....I got bored with the conversation and told her so......I think I am gonna go, Sis, this is BORING!!!!! Listening to someone scrubbing and cleaning and getting so elated cause the shower is clean is something I can usually relate to, but I WANTED TO WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER YESTERDAY!!!!! DANG!!!! why does she have to be sooooo much like ME, when I don't want her to be. Well, at least now I have a day to look forward to.......maybe she can even come to my house, bring those rambunctious grandsons of mine, let them have freedom of expression in Granny's house. I used to be the most uptight person you can imagine when it came to my house. I could barely stand for my children to play with their toys.....toys scattered all over the floor didn't fly well with me. I am so glad that I have calmed down and my tolerance of such things doesn't send me running and screaming. Gosh, I sound like such a head case......I am, I will admit it, but I've come a long way baby.....right Sis? I can so vividly remember saying that my Mom was such a perfectionist, I just couldn't understand at that time, why cleaning and keeping things totally straight was so important......boy, did that statement come back to bite me in the butt. I know Trace can relate to that scenario. With each new generation a little piece of ourselves is still there to thrive and flourish, from Mother to daughter to Grand daughter and the cycle goes on. Mom would be so proud as I am. Till next time.
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