May 29, 2008
The End Of The Truth
I have decided to take a hiatus from this blogging. I don't think people really want to know my opinion or thoughts on things. I grew up always keeping my thoughts to myself...making no one angry or upset by my words. I really thought that by expressing my views people would come to know me better. I have come to the conclusion that that is NOT the way of the world. Most, keep their inner thoughts to themselves, never allowing the outside world to know what goes on in their minds. There are good reasons for doing so, but To me, that is hypocrisy at it's best. We do it in the name of politeness. We all give up little pieces of ourselves every time we give over or act like we agree when we actually don't. My question, isn't it better to know a persons TRUE feelings rather than someone who portrays one thing, but is yet another. The TRUTH shall set you free.....AHHH! the truth, nobody really wants to hear it. Till some future date.
May 22, 2008
The Heart Wrenching Truth
I HATE this topic, but once again I will stand upon my soap box and give my opinion. Trace sends me an Msnbc article titled....ONCE AGAIN, CHILDREN ARE STARVING IN ETHIOPIA. First question....when have they ever NOT been starving? It tries to make it sound like, they are just down on their luck and have had a bad harvest. I read on and the more I read the madder I got. It goes on to say that 5 MILLION receive aid EACH year whether harvests are good or not.How many HUNDREDS of years is it going to take for them to see that FARMING isn't working for them. There have been droughts there since the beginning of time, yet some 80% live off the land. On that statement I beg to differ.....They DO NOT live off the land, they live off the charitable offerings of others. It said that their Government owns the land and buys ALL crops at a fixed low rate, so you see, it is their own people, THEIR Government that starves them. Why do we not hold them accountable? WHY do the people not hold their Government accountable. Do we not fight for our rights....there comes a time you have to say ENOUGH, we won't live like this another day. They have been victims long enough. ENOUGH with the flies in the eyes and the big swollen belly's of the poor little children that did not ask to be brought into such a world. What would we say to a woman HERE in America that kept having children even tho the last one died of starvation and the one she carries will likely die too, because her situation has not changed. I have asked this question before......WHERE ARE THE MEN????? They never show them standing there with big eyes filled with flies. You know why?? Cause they wouldn't get the sympathy that the women and of course ALL THOSE CHILDREN get. It is a BIG HUGE Money making business. Even our so called NONE PROFIT charities are making a killing. Have you ever done any investigating on the FEED THE CHILDREN charity....well, I have and it astounded me, the monies that the president and vice president made, when they are suppose to be NON PROFIT, well, let me tell you they profited, taking home hundreds of thousands of dollars. Money we think is going to help starving kids. It is that way across the board of charities supposedly there to help the needy. Charities are BIG business and we all know the corruption that comes when there are millions and millions of dollars at stake. There MUST come a time that the people of Ethiopia and everywhere hold themselves accountable for their plight in this life. The starving people need to be educated in the practice of BIRTH CONTROL.....would that not help them more than anything else??? Quit having children that you cannot feed. It is so amazing to me that they are starving to death, but can still have the energy and want to have sex. What loving parent would bring a child into this world knowing their fate and be willing to watch them suffer. The do gooders of this country and elsewhere that think they are helping, are just enabling these people to continue into a life of constant need from others. The way and only way to stop WORLD hunger is to stop the procreation. Till the populace can provide for themselves this will continue to be a problem with no end. No amount of money can end it. It only allows generation after generation to inherit a life long struggle filled with agony and pain. If they so choose to keep having children, then it is they that need to provide for those children. America cannot and should not keep helping those that do not help themselves. I hold each and every human being responsible for themselves and their offspring. Nothing is ever gonna change as long as we all keep thinking that throwing money at it is the solution......actually, it is a big part of the problem. Till next time.
May 21, 2008
Another Diet

I don't know what today is gonna be like , but I was quite irritated yesterday. I started a CRASH diet and I think it is already MAKING ME ANGRY! I am keeping total of the calories I eat and am only allowing myself 1000 a day. Yesterday I ended the day with only eating 755. It SUCKS!!!
My motivation is no other than...... WAYNE! Yes, my beloved is shedding pounds like you wouldn't believe. He, as you know does have his cigarettes to help curb his appetite and he gets those energizing packets to take each day. He has totally cut out breakfast and lunch and only eats dinner. He is already down 12 lbs in just a few weeks. The amazing thing to me is that he eats exactly what and how much he wants to at the dinner meal...... including, BIRTHDAY CAKE! I am so freakin envious of him.
I try so hard to lose those pounds in a healthy manner, but I can see that the good old stand by....JUST DON'T EAT!, is gonna have to come in to play this time. All the flushing, watching what I eat, exercising and I haven't lost a pound. Ok, that's on....I AM GONNA LOSE SOME WEIGHT!!!
I looked up a calorie counter web site yesterday and intend to stay with it for as long as it takes. I was amazed that fruit had as many calories as it does. A medium sized banana has 100 calories.....that was my snack yesterday. I also went to a web site that helps you calculate what you should weigh according to your height, well, let me tell you, I would be a stick person if I weighed the 135 to 139 lbs that it said I should. I will be totally happy if I can get down to 150. There was a time, many years ago, that even 135 would have been over weight to me, but that body doesn't exist anymore and I don't even try and think I could get back to the weight I was in High school. That was a young girls body, for some reason the sand gets heavier as we age....or, maybe, we don't have sand as young people.
I really HATE getting caught up in the body image thing....cause that's all it is. I feel great at this weight and do whatever I want to do. My stamina doesn't seem to be affected by my extra pounds. I am like everyone else and would love to be wearing smaller sized clothes and I am going to really try hard this time to make that happen.
I'm gonna work on being happy for Wayne and give him the encouragement I would and do want from him. I think his motivation was his birthday and turning 53. He really gets caught up in the number....I say, it's just a number and ya know what???? so is our weight. Till next time
May 16, 2008
Toilet Monster

Yesterday, Trace and I DID meet Granny Doll at AppleBee's. We arrived much too early, which would have been ok, had it not been for the two rounders making havoc of our big girls luncheon get together. Trace and I tried to have some grown up intelligent conversation and DID all the way there, since those two were strapped in and watching a movie. In arriving, we parked and sat in the car waiting for it to get closer to time for our meeting. Well, the boys unstrapped and started making their way all over the car and finally wound up in the front seat with us. Kan perched on Traci's lap and Mason wallowing around on mine. Hands, touching EVERYTHING.... and feet, (with tennis shoes on), trampling and stomping about on mine. They finally get interested in pushing the buttons that make the windows go up and!, some momentary relief. Windows UP, windows down....UP....DOWN...UP...DOWN..almost up.....right back down.....OK! OK! ALREADY!!! Let's just go in. We go in and it's like the hostess lady is trying to force us into sitting at one of those HIGH tables that have like bar stools at it....well, HELLO!!! do you see these two little THREE YEAR OLDS! That ain't gonna fly. She kept acting like that was all that was available, when we could clearly see empty tables everywhere. She then said she could put us at a booth, with three on one side and two on the other, just about that time Granny Doll walked in almost miraculously the lady says...OH, I have a table and escorted us to a perfect sized table for the five of us to sit in comfort with plenty of room. I don't know what all that other stuff was, in trying to force us in a table that just wasn't fitten....It wasn't FITTEN! I want to say that anytime I have been out to eat with either one of these grandsons by themselves, it hasn't been like the 3 ring circus it was yesterday, with both of them there. They did sit and eat pretty good. Mason, requested a potty break, so knowing he is still in training on this, I grabbed him up and flew to the bathroom. Well, let me tell you....he is ascared of the TOILET! I know the industrial type toilets in there were not like at home, but I thought, come on, geez....just TEE TEE. We tried sitting, which, you would have thought the thing was gonna swallow him up or something. He kept saying NO!!! NO!!!. So, then I tried to get him to just stand and do his business.....nope, that didn't work either. I pulled his shorts back up and back to the table we go. We start back eating and I am trying to get into the conversation....when, I gotta go TEE TEE was said once again. I know, he really does need to go, but he's terror of the potty was hindering his relief. As soon as we walk in the door he gets this wide eyed, terror ridden look on his face. I was trying my best to put him at ease, telling him it was alright and Granny was right there with him and to just hurry and TEE TEE and we could get out of there, again we tried sit down, we tried stand up. Someone flushed the toilet in the other stall and he throws himself against the wall and covers his ears with his hands. He was having a total freak out. Needless to say, we went back to the table, still needing to potty. We did have a tasty lunch and we got a few conversations in, before deciding...WE BETTER GO! The boys had already finished eating and were up running about trying to climb the walls and stuff. We went out and sat on a bench for just a few minutes and it was then that Mason could hold it no more, for the first time, I had had him, since the day before, he teedled in his pants. Luckily, he had a change of clothes so it wasn't a huge catastrophe. We said our good byes and started home. Man, don't kids make every event much more memorable......some will remain for life and will be told to those two when they are grown, numerous times, I'm sure. Till next time.
May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
What a glorious weekend. My Mothers Day actually started at the beginning of the week, when Katherine called and said she wanted to take me out to lunch for the up and coming Mothers Day on Sunday. We had good food with some interesting talk....a really nice time...THANKS KATHERINE!
The week flew by, on Friday Traci presented me with a Gardenia plant...I LOVE gardenia, THANKS TRACE! Saturday morning Traci and I headed to Sherman for breakfast and then to go spend the day with my Aunt's, cousins and various other family members. We had a blast as always. We cussed and discussed everything you can imagine. We tell tales that get us to laughing so hard we cry. My cousin, Sue can tell a funny story better than any stand up comic I have ever seen. We sit and eat and drink coffee, talk, laugh, eat some more, drink more coffee, laugh and laugh, till I get to feeling sick, cause I am sooooo full and laugh so hard.
There is no sweeter person in the world than my Aunt Jo. She makes you feel right at home. She has never put on aires or been uptight about ANYTHING. She always goes with the flow and has never seemed to sweat the small stuff. She is my kind of lady. She has FIVE kids, SIX grand kids, FOUR GREAT grand kids, but still so alive and vibrant, there seems to be no generation gap at all. She is truly a great person. We love the time we get to spend at her house. We didn't get on the road home until around 10:00 that night.
Sunday, Wayne and I made our way to Plano,to take his Mom out to eat. We arrived around 12:30, but decided to wait a little bit before heading to eat...hoping the crowds would be thinning. We left out at 1:30, arrived at our eatin joint at about 2:00 and there were people out the door all over the outside....EVERYWHERE!!! So, we went to plan B, which was to NOT EAT THERE! We decided to check out another one and tho it was pretty crowded, it wasn't quite as bad as the first one. It turned out to be a good choice. The food was really good, all you could eat, great service, nothing to complain about. We visited with his Mom, Dad and sister for a little bit and then made our way home.
Last, but certainly not least, My son, Dan comes knocking on our door and totally surprised me with a visit for Mother's Day.....perfect, absolutely a perfect Mother's day. He had a card for me, that he personally picked....I loved that.
I have the greatest family ever. I love them ALL so much. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. Thank you, to everyone! Till next time.
The week flew by, on Friday Traci presented me with a Gardenia plant...I LOVE gardenia, THANKS TRACE! Saturday morning Traci and I headed to Sherman for breakfast and then to go spend the day with my Aunt's, cousins and various other family members. We had a blast as always. We cussed and discussed everything you can imagine. We tell tales that get us to laughing so hard we cry. My cousin, Sue can tell a funny story better than any stand up comic I have ever seen. We sit and eat and drink coffee, talk, laugh, eat some more, drink more coffee, laugh and laugh, till I get to feeling sick, cause I am sooooo full and laugh so hard.
There is no sweeter person in the world than my Aunt Jo. She makes you feel right at home. She has never put on aires or been uptight about ANYTHING. She always goes with the flow and has never seemed to sweat the small stuff. She is my kind of lady. She has FIVE kids, SIX grand kids, FOUR GREAT grand kids, but still so alive and vibrant, there seems to be no generation gap at all. She is truly a great person. We love the time we get to spend at her house. We didn't get on the road home until around 10:00 that night.
Sunday, Wayne and I made our way to Plano,to take his Mom out to eat. We arrived around 12:30, but decided to wait a little bit before heading to eat...hoping the crowds would be thinning. We left out at 1:30, arrived at our eatin joint at about 2:00 and there were people out the door all over the outside....EVERYWHERE!!! So, we went to plan B, which was to NOT EAT THERE! We decided to check out another one and tho it was pretty crowded, it wasn't quite as bad as the first one. It turned out to be a good choice. The food was really good, all you could eat, great service, nothing to complain about. We visited with his Mom, Dad and sister for a little bit and then made our way home.
Last, but certainly not least, My son, Dan comes knocking on our door and totally surprised me with a visit for Mother's Day.....perfect, absolutely a perfect Mother's day. He had a card for me, that he personally picked....I loved that.
I have the greatest family ever. I love them ALL so much. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. Thank you, to everyone! Till next time.
May 9, 2008
Space Case

The week has been a pretty quiet one. Wayne and I had our eyes examined Tuesday, just a check up and new glasses. I have to tell you, Wayne is a real HEAD case when it comes to stuff like that....meaning, he can't seem to get use to anything new. He is always soooo indecisive about what he wants. He comes out with all this info about can't see here, without doing this and can't see there unless doing that. I think those girls think he is Cuckoo!!! The thing is....No matter what he goes with, bifocal, trifocals, he is going to pick them apart until he finally takes them off his head and doesn't wear them at all, as with his last new glasses. He let them talk him into trifocals and he HATED them and never wore them. This time, he did the exact same thing and let them talk him into a progressive lens, which is a no line bifocal....TROUBLE, BIG TROUBLE!! He always asks me my opinion and I am always straight forward and honest and say DON'T GET THAT, you will HATE it. I know those girls think....WHAT A BITCH!!! she won't let him get what he wants....OH, they just don't know, I am trying to save THEM a big headache. I have explained the no line to him a thousand times....remember, I worked putting glasses on peoples faces for 10 years and I know, SPACE CASE, when I see one. Now, as for me. I simply wanted a line bifocal....cause you get more range of vision through them. I asked to have no correction put in the top and just my reading prescription in the bottom. I see fine in the distance and know, if I ever put glasses on that have the small correction in them for my distance, my eyes will adjust to it and then when I take them off things will look blurry....right now, things look blurry to me through the glasses. I have a slight astigmatism and that's it. I usually don't spend anything except what our insurance pays for, but Wayne is a different story. He got the progressive lens which our insurance does not cover totally, so we always have to pay a pretty big co pay for his glasses. I think he should get what he wants and I don't even care that we pay extra for it, but doing that and then he not wear them makes me so mad at him. The last frame he got which was almost two years ago, he had the trifocals put in and let me say, he had THEM remade twice and STILL never wore them. He went back with the same frame so there was no extra expense there, but those, oh man...those lenses. Almost everyone we know wears a no line bifocal......friends and family and I know if he puts that hard head into wanting to wear them...he can. If he can just turn that crazy thinking off and just wear the darn things. It is so comical, but absolutely ridiculous at the same time. He is gonna put those glasses on, start closing one eye, then the other...looking at something close then dart up and look in the distance, alternating, one eye closed then the other, on and on, till I want to slap him off the chair. I think his MAIN problem is...he HATES wearing glasses to begin with. He tried contacts....can you guess how those went over?? The really bad thing is, he actually has already tried to wear a progressive lens before, back when he first had to have a bifocal, some 6 or 7 years ago, but he doesn't remember and I didn't either till we were on our way home...toooo late! I'll just keep my mouth shut, fingers crossed and hope for the best. Till next time.
May 6, 2008
The weekend was a BLAST! It turned out to be even better than I had expected. We started it off with an out to eat brunch, Saturday morning, at THE GRAND BUFFET....Wayne's idea, but that's ok, out to eat anything is better than cooking. It was our first meal of the day and my stomach wasn't quite up for it. Wayne's shore was tho. He filled his plate 3 times.
Soon as we were totally stuffed we made our way to Winstar and arrived around 2:00. Wayne told me on the way up there that he was feeling lucky and he had his lucky rock that Trace had given him, so he was ready to go. Man!, the place was hoppin....tons of people were there already. We played and played until around midnight, if you can believe. Wayne WAS lucky and won back all our money at one point, but as with most people, we kept playing, but still walked out with almost half of what we went in there, you figure, 10 hours of fun and still walking out with money....YAHOOO!!!! BONUS!!!
We didn't get in bed until after 1:00 AM. I haven't been up that late in YEARS. We sure did have fun. Sunday morning we went and had breakfast out. We had planned one last out to eat for dinner, but Trace had called and asked if we wanted to cook out with them, so we decided spending some time with them would be more fun than out to eat alone and...IT WAS! We had pork ribs, Asparagus stuffed chicken breasts, baked beans, corn on the cob, hot bread and the most DELICIOUS just can't imagine. It was GRAND!!!
Our actual anniversary day, May 5th, was a boring old MONDAY, but that's ok cause we sure made up for it celebrating the WHOLE WEEKEND before. 35 years....WOW! and STILL having FUN!! Till next time.
Soon as we were totally stuffed we made our way to Winstar and arrived around 2:00. Wayne told me on the way up there that he was feeling lucky and he had his lucky rock that Trace had given him, so he was ready to go. Man!, the place was hoppin....tons of people were there already. We played and played until around midnight, if you can believe. Wayne WAS lucky and won back all our money at one point, but as with most people, we kept playing, but still walked out with almost half of what we went in there, you figure, 10 hours of fun and still walking out with money....YAHOOO!!!! BONUS!!!
We didn't get in bed until after 1:00 AM. I haven't been up that late in YEARS. We sure did have fun. Sunday morning we went and had breakfast out. We had planned one last out to eat for dinner, but Trace had called and asked if we wanted to cook out with them, so we decided spending some time with them would be more fun than out to eat alone and...IT WAS! We had pork ribs, Asparagus stuffed chicken breasts, baked beans, corn on the cob, hot bread and the most DELICIOUS just can't imagine. It was GRAND!!!
Our actual anniversary day, May 5th, was a boring old MONDAY, but that's ok cause we sure made up for it celebrating the WHOLE WEEKEND before. 35 years....WOW! and STILL having FUN!! Till next time.
May 2, 2008
35 Year Celebration

I have big plans brewing for this WHOLE weekend. Wayne and I will be married 35 YEARS come Monday....yep, May 5 back in good old 1973, we stood before a preacher and exchanged vows. The day started out Sunny and warm, but by the time the I do's were made and cake had been ate, it was coming a storm. Torrential rains fell just as we are trying to hop in our ride and make our way into our new life. Little did either one of us know that 35 years later, we would still be together. A lifetime of working, raising kids and all the other monotonous moments that filled our lives have flown by, in a blink of an eye.
Now, as we settle into our midlife years and actually have the time to enjoy each other, I know, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Getting married straight out of High school is NOT something I would recommend, but in having done so, we now.....FINALLY, can enjoy the freedoms that having grown kids, at fairly young ages has brought to us. This freedom has been a LONG time in coming and we have earned every moment we spend doing exactly what we want to. Being young parents had it's advantages and I'm sure some downfalls on the parenting scales, but we were always right there with our kids and loved each moment spent with them....and still do.
It is really hard to wrap my brain around 35 YEARS....I just can't believe THAT much time has gone by. I think a celebration of this magnitude warrants a WHOLE weekend....don't you? I see lots of out to eats and maybe some playing at Winstar, maybe, a romantic rendezvous at some nice hotel.....ok, I know I am dreaming. I AM married to the MOST UNromantic man, well maybe, the second most. His Dad, I think wins the gold star in UNromantic, but the nut didn't fall far from the tree. I am going to try my best to make it a joyful weekend for the both of us and I must say, in his older years he is at least TRYING to be more romantic, I guess I can't ask for more than that. Till next time.
May 1, 2008

I've not been my ole bubbly self this week....can't put my finger on what's wrong. It may be, from being around Trace, who is, as she said PMS'ing.I actually slept until 8:00 this morning....I couldn't believe it! I have been having these real crazy dreams too. Anywho, in arising this morning, I went in and turned my coffee on and while waiting for it, I decided to fill our new water purifier thing back up. We just got it last weekend. We are trying to do our part of going GREEN, so instead of all the water bottles, we decided to just reuse them with clean clear water from our counter top dispenser.
Well, let's go back to yesterday. RB was having lunch with us and I had my good old reused water bottle sitting there. RB calls my attention to some microscopic particles floating about in my water. I lift my bottle to the light and sure enough there is some CRAP swirling around in my water....GOOD GRIEF!!I didn't think much of it really....just thought, OH WELL, that's just from the dispenser thing being new and some mi-nute particles didn't get rinsed out of it.
Now, fast forward to this morning. I decided to rinse the reservoir, put some water in it and swirled it about. I looked into the small opening....what did I see???? A piece of something rolling around....WHAT THE HECK!!! I took the whole top part of the thing off and found the reason I had particles floating in my water. I am going to clear my name of this right up front, WAYNE put that baby together, but evidentally never even opened the thing up and surely did not read the instructions, for if he had.....the instructions would be in a drawer some place and NOT IN THE RESERVOIR!!! Yep, there floating about is the instructions and right where it should be, is the filter, only thing is.....IT AIN"T OPEN!!! So, there sits the totally wrapped up filter, with the instructions floating close beside it........WONDERFUL!!! I wonder how many toxins we have drank since Sunday?? OH! GOOD! GRIEF! Men and their hang ups with instructions. I know that some how or another, this will be my fault, when I tell him what I found this morning. I do remember him asking about a filter and I did tell him the first one comes with it....didn't know I needed to tell him to OPEN IT! After putting the whole episode together, I have to laugh.....GOOFY, JUST PLAIN GOOFY!!Till next time.
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