I've not been my ole bubbly self this week....can't put my finger on what's wrong. It may be, from being around Trace, who is, as she said PMS'ing.I actually slept until 8:00 this morning....I couldn't believe it! I have been having these real crazy dreams too. Anywho, in arising this morning, I went in and turned my coffee on and while waiting for it, I decided to fill our new water purifier thing back up. We just got it last weekend. We are trying to do our part of going GREEN, so instead of all the water bottles, we decided to just reuse them with clean clear water from our counter top dispenser.
Well, let's go back to yesterday. RB was having lunch with us and I had my good old reused water bottle sitting there. RB calls my attention to some microscopic particles floating about in my water. I lift my bottle to the light and sure enough there is some CRAP swirling around in my water....GOOD GRIEF!!I didn't think much of it really....just thought, OH WELL, that's just from the dispenser thing being new and some mi-nute particles didn't get rinsed out of it.
Now, fast forward to this morning. I decided to rinse the reservoir, put some water in it and swirled it about. I looked into the small opening....what did I see???? A piece of something rolling around....WHAT THE HECK!!! I took the whole top part of the thing off and found the reason I had particles floating in my water. I am going to clear my name of this right up front, WAYNE put that baby together, but evidentally never even opened the thing up and surely did not read the instructions, for if he had.....the instructions would be in a drawer some place and NOT IN THE RESERVOIR!!! Yep, there floating about is the instructions and right where it should be, is the filter, only thing is.....IT AIN"T OPEN!!! So, there sits the totally wrapped up filter, with the instructions floating close beside it........WONDERFUL!!! I wonder how many toxins we have drank since Sunday?? OH! GOOD! GRIEF! Men and their hang ups with instructions. I know that some how or another, this will be my fault, when I tell him what I found this morning. I do remember him asking about a filter and I did tell him the first one comes with it....didn't know I needed to tell him to OPEN IT! After putting the whole episode together, I have to laugh.....GOOFY, JUST PLAIN GOOFY!!Till next time.
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