Yesterday, Trace and I DID meet Granny Doll at AppleBee's. We arrived much too early, which would have been ok, had it not been for the two rounders making havoc of our big girls luncheon get together. Trace and I tried to have some grown up intelligent conversation and DID all the way there, since those two were strapped in and watching a movie. In arriving, we parked and sat in the car waiting for it to get closer to time for our meeting. Well, the boys unstrapped and started making their way all over the car and finally wound up in the front seat with us. Kan perched on Traci's lap and Mason wallowing around on mine. Hands, touching EVERYTHING.... and feet, (with tennis shoes on), trampling and stomping about on mine. They finally get interested in pushing the buttons that make the windows go up and down.....wow!, some momentary relief. Windows UP, windows down....UP....DOWN...UP...DOWN..almost up.....right back down.....OK! OK! ALREADY!!! Let's just go in. We go in and it's like the hostess lady is trying to force us into sitting at one of those HIGH tables that have like bar stools at it....well, HELLO!!! do you see these two little THREE YEAR OLDS! That ain't gonna fly. She kept acting like that was all that was available, when we could clearly see empty tables everywhere. She then said she could put us at a booth, with three on one side and two on the other, just about that time Granny Doll walked in almost miraculously the lady says...OH, I have a table and escorted us to a perfect sized table for the five of us to sit in comfort with plenty of room. I don't know what all that other stuff was, in trying to force us in a table that just wasn't fitten....It wasn't FITTEN! I want to say that anytime I have been out to eat with either one of these grandsons by themselves, it hasn't been like the 3 ring circus it was yesterday, with both of them there. They did sit and eat pretty good. Mason, requested a potty break, so knowing he is still in training on this, I grabbed him up and flew to the bathroom. Well, let me tell you....he is ascared of the TOILET! I know the industrial type toilets in there were not like at home, but I thought, come on, geez....just TEE TEE. We tried sitting, which, you would have thought the thing was gonna swallow him up or something. He kept saying NO!!! NO!!!. So, then I tried to get him to just stand and do his business.....nope, that didn't work either. I pulled his shorts back up and back to the table we go. We start back eating and I am trying to get into the conversation....when, I gotta go TEE TEE was said once again. I know, he really does need to go, but he's terror of the potty was hindering his relief. As soon as we walk in the door he gets this wide eyed, terror ridden look on his face. I was trying my best to put him at ease, telling him it was alright and Granny was right there with him and to just hurry and TEE TEE and we could get out of there, again we tried sit down, we tried stand up. Someone flushed the toilet in the other stall and he throws himself against the wall and covers his ears with his hands. He was having a total freak out. Needless to say, we went back to the table, still needing to potty. We did have a tasty lunch and we got a few conversations in, before deciding...WE BETTER GO! The boys had already finished eating and were up running about trying to climb the walls and stuff. We went out and sat on a bench for just a few minutes and it was then that Mason could hold it no more, for the first time, I had had him, since the day before, he teedled in his pants. Luckily, he had a change of clothes so it wasn't a huge catastrophe. We said our good byes and started home. Man, don't kids make every event much more memorable......some will remain for life and will be told to those two when they are grown, numerous times, I'm sure. Till next time.
1 comment:
When this whole plan came into effect- I KNEW!!! I thought... Holy cow, this is going to be hellacious! Yep, you have been out of the mom-of-young-children business for too long! :-)
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