The week has been a pretty quiet one. Wayne and I had our eyes examined Tuesday, just a check up and new glasses. I have to tell you, Wayne is a real HEAD case when it comes to stuff like that....meaning, he can't seem to get use to anything new. He is always soooo indecisive about what he wants. He comes out with all this info about can't see here, without doing this and can't see there unless doing that. I think those girls think he is Cuckoo!!! The thing is....No matter what he goes with, bifocal, trifocals, he is going to pick them apart until he finally takes them off his head and doesn't wear them at all, as with his last new glasses. He let them talk him into trifocals and he HATED them and never wore them. This time, he did the exact same thing and let them talk him into a progressive lens, which is a no line bifocal....TROUBLE, BIG TROUBLE!! He always asks me my opinion and I am always straight forward and honest and say DON'T GET THAT, you will HATE it. I know those girls think....WHAT A BITCH!!! she won't let him get what he wants....OH, they just don't know, I am trying to save THEM a big headache. I have explained the no line to him a thousand times....remember, I worked putting glasses on peoples faces for 10 years and I know, SPACE CASE, when I see one. Now, as for me. I simply wanted a line bifocal....cause you get more range of vision through them. I asked to have no correction put in the top and just my reading prescription in the bottom. I see fine in the distance and know, if I ever put glasses on that have the small correction in them for my distance, my eyes will adjust to it and then when I take them off things will look blurry....right now, things look blurry to me through the glasses. I have a slight astigmatism and that's it. I usually don't spend anything except what our insurance pays for, but Wayne is a different story. He got the progressive lens which our insurance does not cover totally, so we always have to pay a pretty big co pay for his glasses. I think he should get what he wants and I don't even care that we pay extra for it, but doing that and then he not wear them makes me so mad at him. The last frame he got which was almost two years ago, he had the trifocals put in and let me say, he had THEM remade twice and STILL never wore them. He went back with the same frame so there was no extra expense there, but those lenses.....man, oh man...those lenses. Almost everyone we know wears a no line bifocal......friends and family and I know if he puts that hard head into wanting to wear them...he can. If he can just turn that crazy thinking off and just wear the darn things. It is so comical, but absolutely ridiculous at the same time. He is gonna put those glasses on, start closing one eye, then the other...looking at something close then dart up and look in the distance, alternating, one eye closed then the other, on and on, till I want to slap him off the chair. I think his MAIN problem is...he HATES wearing glasses to begin with. He tried contacts....can you guess how those went over?? The really bad thing is, he actually has already tried to wear a progressive lens before, back when he first had to have a bifocal, some 6 or 7 years ago, but he doesn't remember and I didn't either till we were on our way home...toooo late! I'll just keep my mouth shut, fingers crossed and hope for the best. Till next time.
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