April 15, 2008

Watch Out! Opinion's Ahead

There is so much going on in the world right now, to which, I have an opinion, I don't know which one to start with. I guess I will go with this presidential election....for which, I say, PHOOOOEEYYYY!!!!! They are all nuts! It is so easy to get up there and say the exact things, they know, the American people are concerned about. When in reality, probably NOTHING will get changed, except for maybe, some NEW form of Taxing us. Ya know, money is the fix all......if they could just get us workers to put more in the pot.....HECK! they could..... END world hunger, house the homeless, educate the illiterate, save the world from GLOBAL WARMING.....why, there would be nothing they couldn't accomplish....if we would just COOPERATE! For just a few cents a day the worries of the world could get fixed.......HA!!! are they kidding me!!! Now, speaking of money, brings me my next form of torture and that is ALL THIS GIVING!!!! Aren't we GREAT people.....we GIVE and GIVE and GIVE....yet ABSOLUTELY NOTHING really changes, but we LOVE for everyone to know just how much we GIVE. YOU DANGED IDIOTS!!!!! AMERICANS are losing their homes, jobs, SANITY!!!, but yet NO ONE is putting on a show for them, no one is standing up and saying....WE GOTTA HELP THESE PEOPLE!!!! Let's have a SAVE THE HOMES drive.....if everyone would contribute, just what you can, think how many homes can be saved. America and Americans are going down the tubes, but we are so desperately trying to help everyone else, we are the ones being forgotten. There are Americans trying to live on Social Security and it is a struggle, now mind you, these are folks that worked all their adult lives and paid and paid and paid into our wonderful government and now they get to live below the poverty level....when we have our government aid going out to people that have never contributed a dime. To give OUR Social Security to those that DO NOT deserve it, is a crime against tax paying Americans. What other country would take better care of foreigners and other undeserving leeches, with grants and loans and even our hard earned Social Security monies, supposedly set aside for us that worked and put into it. I don't know....there is something wrong with this picture. I think we have all gone deaf, dumb and blind. I just sent off our taxes to which we paid in more this year than every before. There were no earned income credits for us.....nope, we just work our butts off all year, why would we think we might get some money back or just break even. I don't know how it got to be, that the less you do the more you are rewarded. This stupid rebate or whatever you want to call it that we are suppose to be sooo grateful for, I would like to stick up the IRS's @#!@#. Does anyone get that in so many instances we have taxation without representation. Think of all the people that don't and have never had children yet they pay school taxes....why is that....how are they represented???? I agree with my daughter, we ARE becoming more and more a dictatorship. My angst isn't at the rich of this country....not anymore, at least they are out there pulling their weight, paying their taxes....it is all these do nothings that are sapping up the money meant for hard working Americans. How did it ever come to be that one person could sap off the sweat of anothers brow??? I've made my opinion quite clear. If everyone would just stop and think. Expect MORE from your fellow man, as in PULL YOUR OWN WEIGHT! Life wouldn't be so hard on any of us. Till next time.

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