Our vacation in Florida was filled with new and exciting things to see and do.......I loved it! The plane rides I could have done without......scared the CRAP out of me. The first big airline wasn't real bad, but the small plane that only held 19 people was a whole other story. The fact that it was raining and all cloudy didn't help the situation at all. I had the biggest anxiety attack of my life....I mean.....I FREAKED OUT!!!! I was glued to my chair, gripping the arm rests with everything in me and PRAYING. I could feel tremors of fright inside my body. Tears streamed quietly down my cheeks. I would like to have been bawling out loud, but I didn't want to frighten the kids.....who were blissfully enjoying my ride of TERROR. All I could think of was......WIND SHEAR, ya know, that's what made that one plane crash that time while trying to land. That was the plane that flew us into Key West. Had I not had a whole week of fun to get my mind off of the flight back to Ft. Lauderdale, I think I would still be on that Island. Luckily the weather was sunny on the flight back, but actually there was more turbulence on that trip than the one in the rain.....go figure. Some how or the other I wasn't as scared tho, seems the sunshine made all the difference. I absolutely HATE flying, but if I have to board a plan to get to these exotic wonderful places, that's exactly what I'm going to do. It is always worth it. Now, the trip I waited so impatiently to get here has come and gone and is now just memories in my mind. It's back to reality and the drudgery of everyday life. Till next time.
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