I want to begin by saying....I LOVE MY HUSBAND. There are times when I feel THAT love well up in me so much it takes my breath away. I feel I could follow him anywhere in the world and be happy just to be with him. Then there are those times that I think....WHO IS THIS GUY??? Why in the world am I with him? It really is amazing how one person can have so much power in your life and alot of times feel no responsibility for that power. When we were younger it all seemed so simple, things I didn't even think about. I didn't have time to ponder the depths of our relationship. Now, it seems to slap me in the face and there is just no ignoring it. This is what is left of our union. Now that our kids are grown and have kids of their own, it is me and him left alone together to try and make a go of it on OUR own. The thought can scare me to death sometimes. When I had our children at home with me, the times when our love seemed to fade I had them to pour myself into. I transfer all that love and time into my myself at such occasions now. Sometimes, I feel the distance between us is just too vast. No common ground to stand upon. Maybe the fault lies within me. I want what most women want.....someone to love me and to be a companion to me. I don't think I ask so much. I try and be there for him at all times and all costs. I want the same from him. I find myself being jealous of women that have men in their lives that actually like to do things with them. Whether it be just going shopping or out to eat. I often wonder....when is it that he grew into this old man that listens to talk radio and wants to watch the weather all the time. How does old age creep up on some people and they don't seem to even care. I want to live and keep old age at bay for as long as I can. I can't imagine sitting down and letting it overcome me and be happy that way. Age is just a state of mind. I think it may give some people the out of living they always wanted, but now have age to blame it on. To me it is the ultimate sin not to take this life given you and use it to it's fullest. Live and love with all the passion that was there in youth. It means just as much, if not more now, than it did then. I do LOVE and I do LIVE to the greatest of my capabilities. I want the same commitment and passion I give. I LOVE MY HUSBAND.....simple words to say, ones actions is a far greater testimony of what is in your heart. Till next time.
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