Yesterdays dread of mowing the lawn became an impossibility when torrential rains started falling. I only liked an area maybe 10x12 in size. I could have finished had I started just 15 minutes earlier, but the sun was out....partially and I was trying to let it dry out as much as possible. The ground was still so soggy when I did get started, but I just trudged through it.....my feet getting soaking wet. The sky became dark and I could feel rain drops hitting me.....all I could think of was the guy that was out mowing his yard and got struck by lightening......ZOWYYYYY!!!!! I kept debating with myself, I'll go one more round....NO! NO! you goof, your gonna get struck, get in the house.I did manage to get the patio blown off again, but that was about the extent of my outside chores. Needless to say, Wayne DID NOT weed eat. I figure he was doing a rain dance at work yesterday. Not only did he get a reprieve from the weed eating job, but we couldn't go for our walk yesterday afternoon either. Luckily, we both had a pretty good work out, me doing my house cleaning and him unloading a trailer at work yesterday. I don't know what we're gonna do if this rain doesn't stop.....I AM SICK OF IT!!!!! I can only take just so many dark gloomy days. I love the sunshine and blue skies. We still have water standing in our back yard and the ground is so wet no more moisture can absorb into it. We have someones garbage can that floated down the road from up the street....I have no clue who it belongs to, but no one has come to get it.....it still stands at the end of our driveway. I am going out and enjoying every minute of this sunshiney today. They are saying, NO RAIN for the next couple of days.....that's not long enough for me, but I will take it and pray that no more rain fall for awhile. Maybe, if I do my chant.....RAIN RAIN GO AWAY....COME AGAIN ANOTHER DAY......CAUSE MISS SONIA WANTS TO PLAY.......HEEE, HEEE. Think that will help? Till next time.
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