I don't know what my blog is going to be about today......it all seems pretty boring. I did want to give an update on my little dog Baxter......remember the scratching, scratching, scratching.....well, he STILL has it. I don't know if he was allergic to what the groomer bathed him in or what, but he is driving himself and me CRAZY!!!! He is just the right height to walk under our coffee table and every side being lower, scratches his back for him. It is a constant maneuver, done over and over again. He is even moving the table around when he really gets going. Now, I have bathed him twice.....but it hasn't seemed to improve his plight. I am beginning to think he has just gone off his rocker or has come down with some kind of a tick (not the insect kind), ya know, like......a movement he can't control. I don't know, but I know I will never go back to that particular groomer again.
Today, Wayne and I are traveling back to our old stomping grounds to see the Doctor we had for many, many years. This almost 2 hour trip is necessary because I just can't seem to find us a descent Doctor in the area we live now. The one he saw when he got his diagnosis of High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol, we have deemed a KOOOK!!! She was so interested in getting him on meds for those, that she completely ignored the spot found on his lung from an x-ray she herself had ordered. She never once discussed the findings of that x-ray even after us telling her of our concerns. I mean , you have a man here that has a spot on his lung that has smoked most of his life, do the math....THIS AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE!!!!! She is a Family Practitioner, but her husband is a Cardiologist.....isn't that convenient. Truly, I think she was trying to find patients for her husband. The first time she saw Wayne was when he went in and was diagnosed with Bronchitis.....hence, the x-ray, but that very first meeting, she was all about getting him to go do blood work. I think she saw two people in their 50's as potential patients for her husband cause she told us right up front that she was just a part time Doctor. I told her, That's fine....cause we are just part time patients, meaning WE DON"T NEED A DOCTOR EVERY FREAKING DAY!!! She tried to start the cycle of a visit every week. Here take this pill, keep a log of your blood pressure readings and come back to see me next week. Do you know what she charges for an office visit???? $180.00 to come in a room, sit there for maybe, 3 minutes, just long enough to write her little prescription of her miracle pill and tell you she wants to see you again next week....IS SHE KIDDING ME?????? That was the last $180.00 she will be collecting from us or our Insurance company. Wayne, on the other hand would like to just bury his head in the sand and not have another x-ray. He is of that mind set....he just don't want to know. How stupid is that? I keep telling him that early detection is our best defense in the battle of our health. I'm not perfect and let too much time go by before I go get my annual check ups, but it isn't because.....I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.....I'm just busy with life. I am really thinking that the spot on his lung is nothing and probably gone now. The technician that called us about it said it could be scar tissue or a spot of pneumonia. A follow up x-ray is definately needed. He is gonna get his cholesterol levels checked again as well. He took his blood pressure last night and it was elevated 147 over 102. I think just the thoughts of going to the Doctor freak him out. I will let ya know how things turn out. I better get up and get cracking. Till next time.
Hi, there, from one midlifer to another. Wanna trade links?
Hey Rhea, I would love to trade links with you. It's always nice to have someone that can relate to the issues of women our age. Thanks for responding. Sonia
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