Let's see....what shall I blog about today?? I can start off by saying that I had a wonderful nights sleep. I didn't wake up to go the potty till almost 5:00. I had a couple of brief hot spells, but all and all, I slept GREAT!!! It sure is amazing to me that as soon as I start back with some yoga, my sleeping automatically improves. Wayne and I were turning the lights and TV off at 9:00 last night. I fell right to sleep and I think he did too. I even heard the alarm go off this morning, which is very unusual because he usually is up before it can go off......so I'm thinking, he was doing some pretty deep sleeping.
The sun is coming up and it looks like it's gonna be a gorgeous day. We are having a little cold spell here in Texas this week, but nothing too drastic and as long as the sun shines I kinda enjoy the crisp cool air. Nothing can replace the good ole summertime for me tho. I love the sun, capri's and flip flops. It is always so easy and simple to know what your gonna wear. I have long since stopped wearing shorts, not that my legs are bad looking or anything.....I don't know, I just don't think it fitting for a woman my age to wear shorts. I have what they use to call pedal pushers, which is just another phrase for long shorts. I do wear those and have some guy shorts that hit me around my knees. Something has happened to my body's shape for I can't wear dresses anymore. I keep trying on little sun dresses and am always appalled at the
fit of them on me. I think I have come to the place where I need a body girdle to smooth out my midriff rolls. I just never think about a girdle. They weren't part of the bra burning 60's nor the halter top, hip hugger pants of the 70's. I can remember my Mom wearing a girdle and thinking.....what the heck!!!! is she kidding me.....I would never wear such a contraption. Well, here I am eating my words at 53. I can see their place in society now. If you have ever seen Steel Magnolias, Dolly Parton has a line stating that her body doesn't go out without Lycra on it . I still have the 70's mentality, tho my body is definitely in 2008. I'm gonna have to broaden my horizons, step out of my norm and maybe just maybe, I might find a little dress that I feel looks quite well on me. I swear, just the thoughts of putting on that gut squashing thing makes me cringe tho. It's gonna smooth out the middle but then that stuff has to go somewhere.......right? Is it gonna bulge out the bottom, so I can't walk or pooch out the top and suffocate me??? I can see it now....I wear that thing out and within a few hours I am taking it off and sling shooting it across a field somewhere. Now, that I think about it....who needs dresses anyway??? I'm gonna have to get back to ya on this dilemma. Till next time.

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