Ok, here I am. I am experiencing a slump in my writing. I don't seem to want to think of things to say, and feel....who cares anyway??? I know I have one avid reader and it is for she that I sit here and write.
Seems that for the past few weeks, my age and the aging process keeps coming to the for front of my thoughts. I am continuously reminded of my decline, in body and mind by almost everything around me. I can be thinking that I am a real hip granny, but then am knocked down with the words that I am NOT with it.......Oh, can it be that I am so delusional. There have been a couple of conversations where I had no clue my metamorphosis into old ageism was rearing it's ugly head. When pointed out to me, I could see it ever so clearly, but when and why did my mind and thoughts go there??? If not for the youthful and always open thinking of Traci, I would be delving into the deep dark corners of my mind that hold the OLD LADY thoughts. One of the conversations I was having was about a commercial on TV with Jessica Simpson accidentally unplugging all the lights in a totally decorated store and saying....MY BAD. I said....what in the world does that mean....that is soooo stupid and ridiculous. I couldn't even get my total statement out of my mouth till Traci is saying.....MAAAA!! that is no different from some of the things your generation said....like groovy and cool.....I was taken aback. I knew she was absolutely right......MY BAD....exactly. Yesterday, the topic was the sagging baggy pants wore by most of today's youth, where the crotch of the pants is down around their knees. In my old lady wisdom, I expressed my dislike of the whole concept of this sort of attire. Once again, I am reminded that each and every generation had their own way of expressing themselves. Mine was halter tops and hip hugging bell bottoms....something, I'm sure even my hip Mom would have never worn, but allowed me to wear it. The generation before that had their own unique style, Bobby socks and Penny loafers and let's not forget the all lurid, gyrating, ELVIS PRESLEY. You would think that at least one generation would stay hip and not condemn the youth for doing the exact same thing they did in their youth. Now, I know there is always the straight laced crowed that never stepped out of their boundaries and thought their own peers were crazy. It was in fact all those ground breaking, thought provoking hippies of the 60's that brought about most of the changes in this country. Now, I know that there are those of you who will say that the demonstrations of the flower children, spreading Peace and Love, was the downfall of this country.....but was it??? Where would we be today if not for women's lib and the burning of the bras. I simply pose the question, it is up to you to decide what you think the right answer is. I am fighting with all my might to stay young, not only in my heart, but in my mind. I feel that if I work on the inside with youthful thoughts and desires the outside will reflect what the inside feels. As with every aspect of our lives, be it relationships, health or just a positive way of thinking, it is a job we must work at continuously. I want to keep myself in check and I know that Traci is gonna be there to make sure I do......THANKS TRACE!!! Till next time
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