I got word today that my sister in laws house was broken into. It was in broad daylight and luckily she wasn't home. I have heard of too many burglaries gone bad when a crook is surprised by someone in the house. They were scared off by diligent neighbors who had the sense of mind to take in a description of this potential robber. He was caught and identified by said neighbor. Thank the Lord for people who still will get involved.....so many today would have turned a blinds eye and thought....not my business.

Now, for all you lady's that live alone........GET A DOG!!! In the first place, I can't imagine life without my trusted old friend. I have always had a dog. Our first family dog was Butch, a screw tail bull dog mix. He was one of the family and we loved him dearly. We grew up together. He came into our family when I was a small girl and was with us until I was pregnant with my first child. There have been many dogs since him, each one loved for their own uniqueness and special personality. Dogs can be a great companion. I believe there have been study's done to the fact that people that own pets live happier longer lives. To have something to care for and think about help us not only mentally but phy
sically. I am a true believer in the power of loving, be it animal or human. I know I will always have a dog. They are my hearts desire. Those loving little faces that adore you no matter what. The security of owning a dog is just a bonus. I know they can be pains and troublesome at times, but isn't that true of everything in life. Sister in law.....GET A DOG! Start this new year with a whole new outlook. A sweet little thing to look forward to seeing and greeting when you come home from work. A companion to go on walks together. A warm body in your bed at night. Vigilant eyes and ears that will sound the alarm for your safety. Everyone deserves piece of mind especially in their own homes. Till next time

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