Ok, I am going to try this again. I knew I had so many things planned for today....the first one being getting my blog written. I had to go on to the other things, tho. I got myself up, gathered all my painting supplies and out the door I went. Yes, the big ladder is back and I am going to tackle at least one side of our house. I knew it wasn't going to be easy cause I am soooo scared of HEIGHTS!!!! My head starts swimming and the ground is like a magnet pulling at me. That's just going up the ladder, this doesn't even touch on after I am at the top. I just keep telling myself... DON'T LOOK DOWN!!! and HANG ON TIGHT!!! Good words to live by except how am I suppose to hold on when I am trying to paint this FREAKING HOUSE! I had an extension on the roller but still couldn't reach the very top eve, even on the ladder, so I left that for Wayne. I could feel the strain on my arms and back. I'll be lucky if I can get out of bed in the morning. My next chore was to mow the backyard. I had got the front mowed Monday but just couldn't gather up enough strength to do the back. I was huffing and puffing before I got thru with the front...my face was all red and sweat was pouring off me. I decided to check my blood pressure....we obtained this blood pressure reading gadget from Wayne's Mom and Dad, tell you why in a minute. I put the cuff thing on my arm and watched it and just knew it was going to be sky high, but much to my surprise it was very normal. Now, the reason we have this thing is because Wayne had had some blood work done and went in for the results last week....it wasn't good news. His blood pressure was high and his cholesterol was out the roof. He was totally bummed out about it. I told him that there are many reasons his blood pressure was elevated, I mean, he was at THE DOCTOR. He also had been dealing with the stress of the dentist thing and last but not least he has put on weight. This is a guy that just until maybe 6 to 8 months ago was thin and fit. He did quit smoking, which may be another stress conducing thing for him. This Dr. naturally wanted to throw pills at the problem. I say let's try and fix this thru diet and exercise first. He has always ate whatever he wanted and as much as he wanted so I say it's about time he knows what the rest of us have to deal with. I have tried to live a healthier way since I quit smoking back in 1988. I would go for a walk every time I had a craving for a cig. I absolutely love to walk, always have even when I was a young girl. I walked then just cause I wanted to, didn't even think about it being exercise or good for me. Now, Wayne is NOT a walker. He gets no joy from it and really wants no part of it, but I will say he has walked the last two evenings with me around the block. I am trying to get him going further and further and faster and faster. I love having someone to walk with. Trace and I use to be able to walk together but it doesn't work for us right now. Any how, hence the blood pressure thingy. He is keeping track of his counts, so much so that I think he has already ran the batteries down in that thing. Good Grief!! he takes and then he takes it, then he takes it again....I think that may be his obsessive compulsive trait coming out in him. I am trying so hard to help him eat with less sodium and less fat. He really is doing pretty good.....he likes to give me a hard time about it, but I know he really is liking the extra attention he is getting.......I think. It is a hard row to hoe. I know that even as hard as I have tried I still have extra weight I would love to get rid of....he seems to be losing so easily. Back to my day. I did get the back mowed and I cleaned off our patio......mercy me! I can't believe the amount of hair our Great Dane mix is losing. There was hair all over the porch and his dog house....forget about it, absolutely awful. I cranked up the blower thing and blew that crap all over the place....I felt like I had hair all up my nose, YUK!!! I decided that was enough for one day and came in, took a shower, headed to go get Mason to spend the afternoon with me.....I know, I am a glutton for punishment. He is asleep right now so I thought I would try one more time. I am gonna whined this up before they decide to make it disappear like this mornings did....better go! Hey, just as I was fixing to publish this I realized the picture is of a women with a suitcase on a ladder....guess she is running away..... that could possibly fit me too..Heeee, Heeee
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