Today, I am really at a loss.....don't know what to write about. I have lots of things running around in the old pea, but can't seem to catch just one and put it on paper. I am sooo ready to go on vacation. We still lack about 3 weeks before TAKE OFF!!! The anticipation is about to get the best of me. I feel so anxious.....like you feel when you know something is fixen to happen, but it just won't hurry and get here. The sad thing is, the time to go seems to be dragging, but I know once it is upon us it will be over in a flash....why is that? I know Wayne is feeling the same way....probably amplified by 100. He is so excited. This will be our first plane trip, together. He is sooooo in need of a vacation. All this medical stuff and the quiting smoking has just about done his nerves in. He is doing so much better on his blood pressure readings....staying around 120 over 80 and that's just kinda averaging. He is doing well on his new eating habits, but is starting to balk a little about the evening walk......thinking he gets enough exercise at work. I don't know, but I think I am already growing weary of his upkeep. He just seems so unappreciative of my efforts and even acts like I am enforcing these things on him out of meanness......much like a child you are telling to do something for their own good, but they don't want to. I know we each play an important part in each others life. My life would be so much harder without him in it. I wonder if he ever thinks about what his life would be like without me in it. These are things you have to ponder cause the reality is there and it is inevitable that one of us will be left without the other. I think about that.....does he? Till next time.
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