I took my little Scotty, Baxter in to get him groomed yesterday. I took him to a groomer that I really don't like very much....now, they do an alright job on his cut, but he never has that nice smell that my dogs have always had when taken to other groomers. I had found an individual that does dogs. She has a place set up in a section of her garage, a real salon looking place...well, when I called yesterday to get him in, her husband told me she was gonna be gone for a week, but she could get him in next week. I had already put it off and put it off and he was soooo stinky I decided to go ahead and take him to the other one.......they could get him in. When I went to pick him up, the first thing the lady says to me is that he had moved and his ear got.... I interrupted and said NICKED!, she assured NO not nicked just that the hair was cut too short so they just made the other ear match that one. I said oh, ok he came out and looked so cute, they had tied a bandanna around his neck. I paid the lady and we left. After being home just a few minutes I noticed there was some small little blood spots on the kitchen floor. I looked Baxter over and over but couldn't see where he might be bleeding. He seemed ok and just slept the rest of the afternoon, as he always does after being at the groomers. He sleeps in a dog carrier at night and goes right in when I tell him it's time for bed. He went right in......no worries. I was sleeping sooooo good when he woke me up crying. Sometimes he has to go to the bathroom thru the night and I thought that that was what was wrong. I got up and went and let him out, but he just stood by the backdoor.......crying wanting back in, so I let him back in and he was acting kinda weird, walking around, crying and would not go back in his carrier. I turned the light on and tried to look him over again. I did see one toenail left long on one foot and thought that maybe they had clipped a toenail too short, which would cause some blood and also be painfull to him, but I just don't know. He shakes his head alot and acts like he has a tickle in his ear. I gave up and put him in his carrier and went back to bed, shutting the door so he wouldn't keep me awake. Well, I went back to sleep and didn't hear anything until this morning, when his cries woke me up again. I am usually up by 7:00 and it WAS after so I just figured he was wanting to go out. Poor little thing just acts miserable. His hair was pretty long and maybe the new cut is itchy and I do think they either cut him tooo close somewhere, that I haven't found yet or they clipped a nail too short. I thought he would feel so much better to be clean and cut, but I think it just made him miserable. I swear it always seems to be DANGED if I do and DANGED if I don't. I would call that groomer but I don't think it would do any good. I figure if they were gonna tell me something happened, they would have, when I picked him up. Maybe, she chickened out when she thought I was gonna get upset about his ears. Sometimes, I think I come off as a bad ass, when in reality I am so far from it. I am tall and usually tower over most other women. I think they get the impression that I am fixen to go off on them when I'm not liking what they are saying to me.....HEEEE, HEEEE, HEEE, boy do I have them fooled. When I was younger I knew I could always RUN away. Now well, I guess I better just keep letting them be intimidated. I'll let you know how Baxter fairs from the GROOMER ORDEAL. Till next time
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