I had a very looonnnnggggg night. We were up later than usual watching a movie and went to bed late. I took a hot shower, but did not take my usual Advil.....now, I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but I COULD NOT go to sleep. I think it was already 10:30 when we turned out the lights, which is about an hour later than I usually go to sleep, I know, I'm starting to be one of those people that go to bed as soon as the sun goes down.....I never would have thunk it. I was still tossing and turning at 12:30......I got up and went and took a sleeping aid pain pill, it did the trick, but now I feel drug out this morning. Anyway, today we were going over to have lunch with Wayne......it's his BIRTHDAY today. He turned 52 and we are gonna go celebrate with him. I fear I'm not going to be a very joyful person to be around....I just HATE that....I wanted to have fun and enjoy the day with him. He has done so well this week on his new eating habits and our walk every afternoon. Believe it or not, he even suggested walking to Walmart yesterday cause it was our walking time , but we needed to go pick up 1 or 2 things, so hence 2 birds with 1 stone. His blood pressure has been so much better....like 128 over 79. It was 146 over 95. It went higher than that while he was doing the Dentist and Doctor thing. He gets to splurge today.....lunch and dinner. He gets to pick the place for lunch and then his dinner is part of his Birthday present, Pork Chops, Rice, and gravy.....his all time favorite. I told with all the stuff he was getting there would be NO cake this year. He seemed fine with that....he thinks I am starving him to death cause he only got 3 chili dogs the other night. I know that sounds terrible, but this guy could eat 5 easily. The ones I fixed were with Fat Free wienies, lean chili and so on....not bad at all, low in fat and sodium. Guess I better close and start getting myself ready before I fall asleep on my keyboard.....till next time.
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