I swear, if it weren't for my daughter I can't imagine what my life would be like. She created this wonderful blog space for me and was so excited for me to see. She called in great expectation of my response. I, always fearing anything new didn't express a very heartfelt thankyou to her. I do, appreciate her efforts in keeping me moving forward. I do fear of my stagnation if not for her influence. She is always right there to keep the old lady side of me at bay. It sure keeps life interesting and many times EXCITING! We have been thru many adventures together, seen many beautiful places, meet some great people, some from the dark side, some just down right COO COO!!! We have worked, played, laughed and cried together. Ya talk about a crazy funny sitcom, there should have been cameras rolling when we worked as Opticians, man some of the weirdest,bizarre, SCARY people need glasses and all of them came into our business. We are kook magnets. If there is a weirdo within a mile of us I guarentee you we will come in contact with them.....right, Sis? The great thing is that we see the hilarity in these meetings. We do share the same sense of humor and are the first to laugh at ourselves. Thanks Sis for another avenue to share my feelings with the world.
Look Sis, I added a Picture!!!! YOOO HOOOO!!!!! I DID IT!!!!
1 comment:
HEY!!!! You did it!!!! I am STOKED! I sure do like this blog of yours:-) IT IS COOL- and as for the kooks... uh, yeah it's funny but it SURE is scary sometimes!!!
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