I am up this morning with thoughts a raging. Didn't have a real good night last night. Seems Wayne has some issues going right now, as soon as he woofs down his dinner it becomes nap time. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with him taking a little siesta, but his nap lasts all the way till bedtime. If this was just an occasional happening I would have no gripe, but he is in a pattern now. Needless to say, we weren't the honeymooners last night. I think we may both be going thru some withdrawals from the sudden lack of the free time, vacation gave us. It really is hard to get motivated into going back to working, working, working. We have gone to having all four grandsons, to three, then two, now there is just our Hunter here with us. I was keeping Traci's three so she could have a night out on her Birthday. Mason was with me because Dan and Kat went to one of her family members funeral. I know you have heard of the three ring circus, well I had the FOUR RING CIRCUS. Luckily for me all four were only here for a little while. Two, two year olds is quite the experience......especially when they got tired. Whatever one had the other wanted. There were a couple of tantrums and the constant, I want JUICE.....granny, I'm HUNGRY!!! GRANNY!!! Mason did this or Kannon did that.....GRANNY!!! GRANNY!!! GRANNY!!! While all this is going on Wayne is in his chair ASLEEP!!! which is really mind blowing because before he fell asleep he had told me that he was hoping for some peace and quiet....IS HE KIDDING ME???? he was in la la land, what did he care? He finally woke up about 9:00 saying he thought he was going to have to go to bed. The really ironic part of this is that I am usually the one that wants to go get in bed. He is usually like the little kid that doesn't want to go to bed....he'll say, you want to go to bed THIS EARLY????? I can't figure him out and I guess he feels the same about me. We have always been total opposites and it seems the differences gap isn't getting any smaller. You would think that after soooo many years of marriage we wouldn't still have these conflicts. They may not surface as often as they use to, but they are still alive and well. Till next time.
All those kids just wore him out!!!;-) MEN!!!!!!
All those kids must have worn him out;-) MEN!!!!
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