You know the old saying.....UP AND AT UMMM, well, I am up ,but certainly not at um. I can't blame it on my night, cause I slept WONDERFULLY, deep and dreaming all night. I don't have any plans for my day as yet....I could do some house cleaning, my floors are a mess.
I've told you of my indecisive way of shopping, well, I had been thinking of buying a new car. This has been going on for a couple of weeks. First of all, I couldn't decide what kind of car I wanted. I finally narrowed it down to two, a Jeep Compass or a Chrysler Nitro. We looked and looked at several dealerships. Green was my choice of color for my new ride, so I was leaning toward the Compass. The Nitro didn't come in green. One was more fuel efficient, the other more power and FUN to drive.
I really LOVE Jeep products, I think they are well constructed, reliable vehicles. My Jeep is a 98 Cherokee Sport. It has been and still is a GREAT car. The only reason I was even looking at a new car was because mine had developed a couple of things that were driving me crazy and I couldn't seem to get my MECHANIC husband to look at for me. I have a belt that squalls when I first start it up.....I HATE THAT!!! The whole neighborhood can hear it. It just does it for a few seconds and then it is fine, but those few seconds are quite embarrassing. Next, is the hatch has a problem with it's hydraulics and won't stay up, now, this only happens in cold weather.....I have no problem with it in the summer time. So, you see, it is trivial little things.
I did get excited thinking about driving a NEW car, but I kept feeling very uneasy about it too. I know what I have in my Jeep. I can't say that in any new one I get, till I have it. I even got Traci and RB involved in my quest. Seems they have an old school buddy that just happens to work at a Chrysler dealership in Lampasses Texas. He worked and worked trying to find THE car for me. The determining factor was gonna be the monthly payment....which was THE BIG draw back on buying a new vehicle to begin with. I DO own my Jeep....no payment on it. I felt like I would really have to be IN LOVE with this new car to want to pay a payment on it for the next 5 years or more.
It got down to the wire..... credit had been approved, all he needed was my go ahead and the vehicle was gonna be put on a trailer and be delivered to my door, arriving this Friday. I just couldn't do it......the payment was more than I had agreed upon, but that wasn't the only reason.....I just got to thinking WHY in the world would I get rid of a vehicle that is mechanically sound and I do so LOVE. I mean, I kinda did the same thing back when I owned my 93 Jeep. I had driven it for years and decided I wanted a new vehicle so we went and got a new car.....sold my Jeep to my sister in law, cause again IT was mechanically sound.....I don't think I had that car for even a year and I wanted MY JEEP back. Wayne and I traveled all over the metroplex looking for me a Jeep. We found one and traded a 2000 model car for a 98 Jeep Cherokee Sport. I never regretted it for a moment.
I turned down the new car deal. Wayne has promised to give my beloved Jeep some attention and all is right with the world for me. Sometimes my indecisiveness works to my best interest. Till next time.