One of the last things I said yesterday was that I wasn't going to complain anymore and I swear if that's not exactly the first thing I want to do. Here goes......the night wasn't quite as fitfull as the previous, but there was some fitten going on. My main complaint is my aching back. I PUSH mowed the front yard yesterday and my back is telling the news. That self propelled booger didn't mow the grass as short as mine had always done so when I started in trying to mow with my good old reliable mower, the poor ole thing kept getting choked and tried to die on me through out the whole mowing session. I did have to pull start it a couple of times, where the thick grass just got to be too much for it. It sputtered and coughed with black smoke puffing out it's little exhaust, finally with one burst of......I CAN DO IT! I CAN DO IT! It DIED!!! It would start right back up again and this scenario played out over the whole lawn.......needless to say, I did NOT mow the back. I must dedicate this blog to my little red mower......here goes.
I have a little mower,
It's red and small and cute;
It tries to work it's best for me,
but, to my husband, does not suit;
He wants the big GARGANTUA,
the wonderful, self propelled;
It's heavy, huge, and monstrous,
I don't like it, you can tell;
I like to be the one in charge,
To push one where I want;
Instead of being dragged around,
My power there to taunt;
I stand beside my mower,
Tho, it really kills my back;
I will not use GARGANTUA,
Take heed, cause that's a fact;
I am my own worst enemy,
My tasks, I make so hard;
My husband thinks I'm quite the fool
but, it's I who mows the yard.
Hey Sis, just got to my space and see I have had a blog fairy come by and do some new designing.....I LOVE it..THANKS! I thankyou for making my last blogs picture smaller too. I can write a blog, but that's about it.
You should keep a copy of all your poems. One day they will mean so much to the kids and grandkids. You really do so well.
Love you,
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