I have to say, sometimes I don't appreciate how good I have it. I was complaining in my own mind of the fretful night I had had.......all the tossing and turning and never getting to a solid state of sleep, not to mention all the HOT FLASHES I have been having at night, when I come in to my computer and read an email from my friend, who just happens to be my cousin. This poor girl makes my worries look inadequate and small. She begins by telling me that her A/C has gone out......now keep in mind we are having a HEAT WAVE here in Texas, being in the triple digits thru the day and staying in the 90's at night. I am thinking.....how in the world is she staying in that house. My short term hot flashes are nothing compared to getting hot and staying that way with no relief in sight. Can you imagine getting up to get ready for work in a sauna.....now, if that wasn't bad enough she goes on to tell me that her neighbor had their yard sprayed for fleas and guess where the little boogers ran.....right over into her yard, so not only is she battling the heat she has to make a made dash to her car, swatting at her legs with every step to keep the dang fleas off. GOOD GRIEF!!!! I don't know how she does it, but she keeps her great sense of humor thru it all and can make you think you are reading a comical skit. I told her to pack a bag and get outta Dodge.....QUICK! I swear, she is one of those people that has to hold down the fort even tho it has totally been taken over by the enemy. Get out, Suzy, GET OUT! I hope those dang employers of hers knows what a real trooper they have and pay her accordingly. I was gonna say, that if that were me I would have called them and said, I won't be into today and tomorrow's not looking good either, but actually, I am the same way. I thought the world would end or I would be FIRED if I didn't make it to work. Now, Trace has taught me that there is NO job and NO circumstance that is as important than your own well being and the dang job will be right there waiting for you when you get back. Her words really hit home with me when the 911 thing happened. I would have been one of the ones that stayed in their office, cause I was told to. Totally giving my power to someone else. Suzy, take heed girl, do what you need to do for your personal well being. As for me, I will do no more complaining about my trivial little woes and will keep in mind the exhausting spirit that my cousin exhibits. No heated days or burning nights, nor biting fleas will keep the Sue from doing her job...heck, she sounds like a mail carrier, except I don't think that's their motto anymore. One obstruction in front of your mailbox and NO MAIL FOR YOU!!!! Oh man, I do get off track. Hang in there Sue, hopefully the Calvary is on the way. Till next time.
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