Oh! My! Gosh! anything I have to say is going to be DULL in comparison to the controversial, face slapping, eye popping, topic of Traci's blog of yesterday. I stand behind her 100% and take great pride in the fact that maybe....just maybe, some of her independent, thought provoking, go against the grain way of thinking came from me. She puts into action what I just dare to think. I would have LOVED to home school....as a matter of fact, I did HOME SCHOOL to a point. The kids and I would go on nature walks most everyday.....seeing all kinds of plants, insects, animals for us to look at and discuss. We would come upon old houses and barns long since abandoned, but still having remnants of simpler times. We would see old medicine bottles, relic tools and other treasures of a by gone era. Hands on learning people is what that was. You have also heard of our family car trips.....well, there again, learning thru experience. Actually seeing places that most children just get to see in books. We have traveled to a lot of the 50 states. Our children have been to THE GRAND CANYON, PIKES PEAK, CARLSBAD CAVERNS, ROYAL GORGE, YELLOW STONE PARK, THE SMITHSONIAN, BATTLE GROUNDS, FAMOUS CEMETERIES, countless places. I assure you that they retained more of what their eyes looked upon and what their fingers touched than anything they would have read in a book. The very best part of it all is how we inner acted with each other. We learned more about each other on those trips and found out that we really LIKED each other's company. I love my children, but like them for the fun loving, good natured people that they are. You GO Trace.....I'm behind you all the way. The molding of a human being is the most important job on this planet....why would we think that strangers can do a better job than we can. We, who love these little people the most, surely can do a better job. Till next time.
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