Not much going on, but seem to be staying busy. We celebrated with Wayne's Mom, Saturday for her approaching birthday on Monday. We ate steak and baked potatoes, salad and fresh corn right off the cob. I made her her favorite Strawberry Nut cake.Katherine and Dan made a surprise visit with Mason. She baked a fudge marble cake and brought all the fixens for our potatoes.....we enjoyed the food and visit, hope she did too. Hunt and Kan spent the night with us that night so the next morning when Traci and RB came to get them we all went out for breakfast........GOSH!!!!! it was soooooo good. The rest of the weekend was filled with just the same ole same ole........OH! I almost forgot....Wayne actually mowed the back yard.....can you believe it? I didn't even ask him to. This amazing event happened because he has borrowed RB's self propelled lawnmower. He had told me once that if he had a mower that pulled it's self, he would help me with the mowing and be darned if he didn't. Now, I myself......HATE, the big, clumsy, self propelled thing. I tried using it in the front yard and found myself wrestling with the thing, it wanting to go , me wanting it to either stay or turn, You have heard the old saying.....can't chew gum and walk at the same time, well, I think I can't do all the maneuvers for that thing and walk behind it too. I kept finding myself pushing it....cause it wasn't going fast enough for me. It also wouldn't get close to things, so much more weed eating is needed and ya know from past blogs Wayne isn't a yard guy and has weed eated once this whole summer. I finally got out my little electric weed eater, which doesn't have much power, but at least it made the yard look more manicured. I really did appreciate his efforts and was more than happy to see the back get mowed, without me being the one doing it. Tho, I did a lot of fussing and vowed I would never use the BIG, hard to handle self propelled thing again, knowing me, I probably will. I do still like my little, easy to handle, push mower. Ok, off the grass cutting topic.....yesterday, Trace had some shopping to do so we went over and had lunch with the guys and then made our way to Targets and Pet smart. We had a fun time looking at all the unusual things they carry at Targets. It is so totally different than my Walmart. Wayne and I travel back to the Dr. in Kaufman today. They are checking his cholesterol and comparing chest xrays....not sure what else. I guess that's about it for this week so far. I need to get up and get this day started. Wayne will be here to pick me up shortly and I am still in my PJ's. Ok, Doll, how'd I do? She is my one true avid reader and won't let too much time go by without requesting a new blog. I know how she feels cause I go to Traci's blog at least 3 times a day looking for new info to read.....TRACE! get busy!!! Till next time.
1 comment:
You did good! Thanks. Love you!
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