I am up this morning and having a little war with myself as to what I want to do today or what I should even do first. First, I will blog and maybe by the time I am finished with it I will have my brain unscrambled and go on to the next thing....uh oh phone.
Well, I have been yakking with Trace for about the last hour.....she is totally up in arms over the school supplies list for Hunter, who is going into the 7th grade this year......go read her blog.....if you dare.
I am so off schedule now, I was gonna go mow the back yard, but I am afraid it is going to be way to hot by the time I go and get gas for the mower and make it back, sooooo I may just take my shower and go get my car cleaned up....now I had kicked around the idea of just washing it in the driveway, but I know a place that does a dandy job for a good price and all I have to do is sit in the air conditioned office and wait for them to do it. That sounds much more appealing...don't you think? The weekend went by in a flash....as always. Seems like it is always either Friday afternoon or Monday morning..whoops, another interruption, my darling daughter again.
She has totally rattled my brain and I am having a hard time staying on this task. My head almost blew off listening to her and that RIDICULOUS school supplies list. I don't know what this country is coming to. It is no wonder people think they need to do fund raisers to help some families with these OUTRAGEOUS school supplies lists, but you know what....it is the ones that DO buy all that crap that are supplying the ones that can't or don't. Almost everything listed was in duplicate....like 2 packages of red pens, 2 packages of black or blue pens and so on, now, I'm not sure , but I think there are 20 pens in a package......why in the world would he need to supply that many pens, RED especially....isn't it the teacher that uses RED? Keep in mind that EVERY student is to bring this same amount. I should think there would be enough supplies for the next 5 school years....where does all the unused supplies go???? They seem to ask for these same amounts or more of things the very next year. Students don't get to keep their own supplies, it becomes school property, doled out at the teachers discretion. Little Johnny Joe, that didn't contribute one thing to his school supplies, gets handed anything he needs from the over abundant supplies racked in by all the rest.
Phone again!!!!! Traci, has totally changed my whole days plan......gotta get up and get in the shower....we're off to meet our Real estate lady, who just happens to be our good friend, have lunch and do some real estate stuff......will get back to this later.
Well, later is here, at least I am showered and dressed and ready for pick up, so thought I might get this finished. I think you got my drift about the school supplies topic and Traci will elaborate on it when she gets her blog written....which may not be till much later today since the new goings on have taken up her time this morning. My last thought on the school supplies and any other forms of charitable deeds is that as always, it is total over kill. There have been tooooo many avenues to which the needy obtains help. I know that before each school year starts there are places that the needy can go to get absolutely FREE school supplies, funded by, I am sure TAX PAYERS, then you have all the charitable places, such as our Churches and the like that feel they also need to contribute to helping these families and who do they look toward for that help.......once again.....US. So, to understand this completely you first must realize that there is NO.... NEED..., as far as SCHOOL SUPPLIES because the schools are already asking for students to bring in more supplies than could ever be used by the contributors of that school supplies. I mean come on people.....who can't afford paper, pencil, and a pen. If they would just go back to basics and teach our children to READ and WRITE there would be no need for Dixie cups, zip lock bags, and the other countless CRAP that they are asking for. Our Society has become so OVER THE TOP and tho it is TOTALLY ignorant and wasteful, we want every child to learn that they have to have exactly what everyone else has no matter how it has to be obtained. That's why you see kids wearing name brand clothes and shoes and have I pods and every other expensive thing you can think of, but the parents or parent can't afford housing or food. We have made a generation of people that absolutely think they are owed these things and should have what only the wealthy use to have. I get so fired up on these types of topics. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong or bad about not being RICH. If they can show up to school with paper and pen then DAMN IT that's good enough. All you Do Gooders are crippling these people. That's not all I have to say , but that's where I am ending this....till next time.
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