I have to snicker this morning after reading Traci's blog.....she is so dead on about me, now, as far as this school thing.....the verdict's still out on that. I totally agree with her about the Schools and their never ending ability to enrage her. I never liked School myself....not when I had to go, not when I had to send my kids. I think children ought to be left to be children.....more free time just to enjoy being young. When you look at the big scheme of things, is it really all that important to know when the Civil War started or how many States are in the union. I can assure you that when I reach the end of my life and death is coming to me, I'm not going to be thinking......WHO WAS THE 14Th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? I know that we have to learn to read and write and know basic Math skills and I guess, if your going to be an Nuclear Scientist your gonna need some extra schooling, but come on people most of what we learn in school is NOT retained. Countless hours spent sitting in a chair, wishing you were anywhere else on earth, but SCHOOL. I know there are those of you who are LEARN MONGERS and feel the more you can cram into a child's mind the better off they are.....Education is THE most important thing in life......does it really make a better person? Yeah, I know, they are better at answering trivia questions, but are they anymore caring or loving or CHRISTIAN simply because they had more schooling. I just don't understand all the hub bub over Education. It is really such a very minuscule part of becoming a good, solid, well rounded human being. I did my duty, went to school and graduated, then saw my children thru school. I wasn't the rebel that Traci's is, but if I wanted my kids to stay home and miss a day of school......THEY DID. I can remember when I was in about the 7TH or 8TH grade, every Tuesday, I would get up and go to school, but before lunch my Mom would come and get me out of school and we would go spend the day with my sister. I LOVED that day......looked forward to it every week. What I learned on those Tuesday afternoons did not come from a book.....I learned about love and family. Those days we shared are PRICELESS to me. Remember, my Mother worked full time and only had two days off. Her other day off was spent doing house cleaning, laundry and such, but that one day a week, we escaped together. The drugery of work and school forgotten for an afternoon. Life should be filled with moments like that. Education has it's place, but it shouldn't overshadow all the wonderful moments spent.....NOT IN A CLASSROOM. Till next time.
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