January 15, 2008

Do You Know Me?

Well folks, I got almost everything I wanted to do yesterday done. I moved furniture....which is almost a need to do thing for me and swept, mopped and wiped all the surfaces of this house. I felt soooo grand at the end of my cleaning spree. Now, my closet is still a mess, but at least I can close the doors on it and know that it awaits my attention when I can spare the time. I have BIG ideas for our computer room......Ya hear that....HONEY!!!! I am gonna need his brute force to get things arranged and brought in from the garage. I know he is gonna be soooo excited to help me in my endeavor.

In reading other blogs of people my age, I am feeling kinda left out. As crazy as it sounds, I feel like the 11 year old trying to hang out with teenagers. I always think I know my age, but when I read some of the statements made from those bloggers, I think good grief, am I the only 50 something person that still has the same likings as they did when they were teens? I know I have grown and matured intellectually, but I am still the same free spirited, fun loving person that I have always been, tho my outer package has changed. I still sing in the car and listen to the radio at every chance. The music transports me and my old body back to my youth and I sing and dance and get down to the vibes........I LOVE IT! I don't stop to think that the young uns in the car next to me probably think I am having a seizure or something. Ageing is a very peculiar thing. It kinda sneaks up on us. The years speeding by ever so quickly. I have been married for almost 35 years, have two grown kids and 4 grand sons, but in my minds eye I am still Sonia. In my heart of hearts, I am still Sonia. I love all the titles that I carry, but I never want to forget that girl named Sonia. No matter the age, that girl lives inside of me. All that I am now, are just appendages of that little girl. In losing sight of that would be losing a big part of me and who I am. If growing up means to forsake that, then I refuse. In order to know me....the real me, you have to know who I am in my core and I feel it to be the same with any of us. Acquaintances, are just that, people we know slightly. Friends, true friends are the people that know you to your core. I feel lucky, in that I have a few FRIENDS in this life. Till next time.

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