March 13, 2008

A Day To Savor

I am up this morning and finally back on my regular schedule....since the time change I was having a hard time going to bed at normal time and not getting up till almost 8:30. This just didn't feel right to me. In awakening this morning it was still dark looking which fools my mind into thinking it's still early, when I look at the clock I see that it is after 7:00.....time to get up!
Yesterday, did turn out to be an absolute beautiful day. I had some errands to, Wally's, stuff like that. Trace and Kan road with me. We got back home right at lunch time, filled our belly's and decided to make a run to Grapevine to fuel up Traci's car. It was such a nice ride. I hate to say we didn't really do much out in the sunshine....didn't even go for our walk, but it was an enjoyable day none the less. Today, I am going over to pick up Mason so he can spend the day with me. The weather looks to be gorgeous again, I am hoping we can have some fun outdoors. He loves coming over and always is excited to play with Kan. Kan, kinda relishes in his new found power and likes to come and then go making Mason very upset.I always tell Mason that he will be right back, but that doesn't seem to soothe him any. He just hasn't gotten it yet. Being the only child with no other kids to play with makes being around Traci's three sooo exciting to him. He usually gets into a giggling state and anything Kan does just cracks him up.
I am going to get up and get going......I don't want to waste one moment of this day. I intent to savor every moment.Good health and light loads....till next time.

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