March 14, 2008

My Ego At Play

Yesterday didn't turn out quite as warm and pretty as I had stayed cloudy and very windy all day, despite this Trace and I took Kan and Mason to the park. They had the best time. They ran, climbed, jumped, and jabbered to each other as only they can. Most times we don't have a clue as to what they are saying, but they seem to understand each other with ease.
Trace and I have been in deep conversation about the Eckart Tolle book. I am almost to chapter 4 and as I am sure you know, Trace has finished it and even gone back thru a couple of times. I understand and get some of his thoughts and ideas, but then there are some that I don't agree with. I have trouble with ME, not really being me, but who I AM. I know there is a deep inner self that we, ourselves only know. That thinking and the voice that is our thoughts, I believe IS us, not some egoistic thing that comes out of us to leach on to forms. God made our brains and made each of us individuals with our own personalities and ideas. I get that each of us has an inner connection. In the deep core of us all, we are the same, but to say that all forms around us are nothing, but gatherings of our egos seems to take all importance away...even from life itself. I guess if we could all just go frolic thru the meadows picking unlabeled things and gazing at....what I call a tree, we could easily go to that mystic and idealistic place that Tolle seems to have permanent residence in. I would be the first to say....stop and smell the roses along lifes path and live each day to the fullest and don't be tied down to materialistic things. I have voiced my opinion on THINGS, long before Tolle's reading. He diminishes LOVE to nothing, but a power to rule over someone else. That's not what LOVE is to me. Anyway, I don't want to come off like him....that I have some greater understanding of life and its meaning......that I have figured out the answers to questions that have been asked since time began. I just know, that I have to be true to ME or I or myself.....HECK!!!! all three of us. I know that God knows my true feelings so I might as well stick with what feels true and right in my heart cause that's the bottom line.....HE knows and that's all that matters. I am still reading the book and hope to gain more insight into the psyche of people. I have no fear of being swayed in my beliefs and am always open to the ideas and thoughts of others. Some of his words hold a lot of truth and can be very insightful. I do wonder how a person can take on the magnitude of such a profound topic and feel confidant enough with their interpretation that they would share it with the world and not at least "LABEL" his thoughts, as I think.....but then, that would be HIS ego....right? Till next time

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