March 12, 2008

Has Spring Sprung?

Looks like it's going to be a gorgeous Texas day. The temp is suppose to be close to 80 today....YAHOOOOO!!! I am so ready for Spring. Wayne and I went and played at Winstar over the weekend. I always have so much fun there. No thoughts of anything just doin my thing and watching the other people doin theirs......I love it. Saturday night Mason came and spent the night with Pa Pa and me. He must have had a busy day cause he fell asleep by 7:30 and slept all the way till almost 9:00 the next morning. We all went and did some last minute moving out of stuff at Traci and RB old house. There was just a small amount of staging stuff. Dan took the old trampoline to restore for Mason and with one quick trip back to load the swing set we finished up. That's about it folks. I am still kinda in a fog when it comes to my writing. Lots of thoughts up there but seems the river has been damned up. Anyway, just thought I would jot down a hello and a few tid bits. I am gonna go and start planning some great adventure for this beautiful day. Till next time.

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