February 28, 2008

It Could Be Coming In The Wind

I am here....just absorbed into my everyday life. My blog site has made me upset and I am kinda rebelling against it....it won't do the way I want it to. I had patients in the beginning, but it has been months now and I am still having issues with it. Anyway, I think I am having a dry spell and can't or don't want to pick my brain with new or funny goings on in my life right now. I am feeling really well, but still have a swimmy head at times. I am eating healthy and Trace and I walk almost everyday......that always makes me feel better. My mind is filled with all the foreclosures going on.....I just keep thinking....there's got to be some big bucks in it for me and Wayne, somewhere. This just might be our payoff for establishing and keeping good credit all these years. I hate to be the vulture circling the dead and dieing, but someone is going to profit off the misfortunes of these ill advised mortgages. I feel it might as well be us. We are long overdue. I am keeping an open mind and my thoughts are optimistic......I see good things on the horizon for Wayne and I.....I just don't know the packaging it is arriving in. I am staying open to all avenues. It could come with the next blowing of the wind........so subtly, I will have to be very vigilant, eyes and ears open..... I wait in anticipation. Till next time

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